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  • Japán あした世界が終わるとしても (több)
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Shin has shut his heart ever since his mother died when he was young. His childhood friend Kotori has been looking after him ever since. Now that they are in the third year of high school, and it seems like they can finally move forward, another Shin from another Japan has suddenly appeared in front of them. (Anime Ltd)

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angol Originally the storyline looked good and the beginning was acceptable, and a lot of people were comparing it to Hello World (probably because it was the last sci-fi anime movie they had seen...) in the reviews section of some anime sites. Personally, it reminded me more of a weird mix of Upside Down and Terminator. Unfortunately, from a certain point on, say the moment when Kotori is "resolved", it turns into a confusing action movie without any real depth, and all the good ideas and things that made it interesting just go right down the toilet and even the finále itself does not redeem it. Something that starts out quite interesting becomes just another pretty cheesy action movie, trying to shock the audience as much as possible. The overall impression is that of a "shitfest" and I really was bored. Well, that is quite a shame, because I could have ignored the mediocre CGI animation and the forgettable soundtrack, however, if you consider it a good idea to deal with two related, intertwined, intimately linked people joined at the hip, by beating the shit out of them… then you probably do not deserve my approval... 4/10. ()

Galéria (101)