
A jóképű és sikeres Edward Lewis üzleti ügyben Los Angelesben tartózkodik, amikor egyik este szórakozásképpen felcsípi az utcán sétáló csinos, de kezdő örömlányt, Viviant. Az este kellemesen telik, s másnap a férfi különös ajánlatot tesz a nőnek: megkéri, vegye át partnere szerepét egy igen fontos üzleti héten. Viviannek tetszik az ajánlat, bár gyakran nehéz feladatok elé kerül, ám varázslatos természetességgel és különös megérzéseivel oldja meg a kihívásokat. A különleges és izgalmas lánynak még végül a jégszívű üzletember sem állhat ellen. (RTL Klub)


Videók (1)


Recenziók (6)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol If your eyes don’t sparkle with nostalgia, there is no help for you. Pretty Woman is stereotypical, predictable and full of romantic clichés, but it is so entertaining, sincere and has so many great scenes and jokes that it simply cannot be lumped together with other often quite vulgar romantic films. Richard Gere is a charming gentleman, Julia Roberts is an adorable boor – perfect casting, excellent performances. The music and the setting of a western metropolis are also just perfect. Unfortunately, the frequent repetitions on our TV stations significantly degrade this film for the audience, even though the film itself is not to blame. Today, it is an irreplaceable piece that captivates with its elegance and a simple, yet pleasant scent of humor and wit. Dreams do come true, don't they? ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol One of the cornerstones of romantic comedy, but something is still missing. I never really liked the crazy approach to the role by Julia Roberts and I prefer Richard Gere as a slightly older veteran actor in more serious roles. The best character for me, undoubtedly, is the hotel manager played by Hector Elizondo, who has never again surpassed this tiny role. Still, there is something likable about this Hollywood hustle and bustle that doesn't allow me to find fault with it despite my reservations. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I love movies with Julia Roberts and I'm even happier when Richard Gere is by her side. A timeless romance that never gets old. It's the "Vuitton" of movies... it lasts for years, everyone loves it and tries to emulate it... in vain. There's only ever one original. Perfect music, script, and style. A film that entertains, makes you cry, and makes you hot... the best! ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Whatever Pretty Woman might be like, I will always remember it as the movie that I first saw in the open-air cinema in Karlovy Vary. And that included an opening word by Richard Gere himself who was really surprised why we like this old movie and that almost seven thousand people gathered to watch it. What can you do? Pretty Woman is nice. It’s nice to watch, iron by, sleep by and all the other things you can do while watching movies. It’s simply a nice movie to go with any activity while watching TV. And there’s plenty of those. And I think most viewers in our country will like it, especially if you watch it with the excellent dubbing that always used to be done in our country (and sometimes still is). ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A sweet cult-classic that can’t be defeated. The spark between Richard and Julia is amazing, the humour works most of the time, and the narrative, however unoriginal and loudly declaiming its romantic version of the "American Dream", is coherent and cohesive enough. Even after all these years, it's a joy to watch Vivian's initial confusion when, after years of walking the streets, she suddenly has to decide what to wear, when to speak and when to be quiet, or which is the right cutlery to use for the main course and which for dessert. And the sweetest of all is of course the happy ending, which is expected and necessary, but perfectly underscores the positive mood that permeates the story.... It’s the charming Roman Holiday of the 90s. ()

Galéria (61)