A Mandalóri - Season 2

Előzetes 2
Egyesült Államok, 2020, 5 h 21 perc (Percek: 32–52 perc)

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Előzetes 2

Recenziók (5)


az összes felhasználói recenzió (ehhez a tévésorozathoz)

angol I absolutely love the concept of The Mandalorian — each episode tells its own story while still moving the main plot forward. I found myself eagerly anticipating what adventures Baby Yoda and Mando would embark on next. Episode after episode, I was completely immersed in the incredible Star Wars atmosphere, something I haven't felt since I first watched the original trilogy as a kid. The creators really nailed it with this one. With a rotating roster of Hollywood talent behind the scenes, they're delivering some of the best content coming out of America right now. Great stories, impressive effects, cuteness at its peak, and tension so thick you could slice it with a micro-thin blade. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió (ehhez a tévésorozathoz)

angol The Mandalorian retains its allure and also manages to go deeper into the individual characters. Through slow and gradual revelation, Favreau raises the bar so high that the end faithful fans may well find themselves with a dislocated jaw. The special effects are comparable to ones in the world of movies, in a good way and a bad way. Some of the episodes are pure fan service, featuring favorites like Boba and Ashok. The powerhouse of the series is the silent Grog and I wonder what The Mandalorian will be like when he leaves the series. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió (ehhez a tévésorozathoz)

angol I never believed that there would come a day when I would give full marks to something from the world of Star Wars, but The Mandalorian Season 2 is the ultimate gem that I thoroughly enjoyed, despite the fact that I generally don't like the Star Wars world, don't understand it, and hardly know anything about the characters. I feel a bit like watching The Avengers without knowledge of the previous films, so the references, fan service, and the introduction of unknown characters had no impact on me. But on the other hand, I can't complain about a story that doesn't really progress anywhere, because I wouldn't be too interested in it anyway. I liked that each episode has one big action scene that lasts almost 20 minutes, which is an incredible pace for a 30-minute episode. Visually, The Mandalorian is great, and Pedro Pascal is excellent again. The action is intense and fortunately, doesn't come across as too childish like in the Star Wars world, although there is still no blood. I was impressed by the spider in the second episode, which reminded me of The Lord of the Rings, and of course, the finale, which is epic as it should be – the Dark Troopers are decently unpleasant android bastards. What a ride! Story*****, Action*****, Humor***, Violence>None, Entertainment*****, Music****, Visuals*****, Atmosphere*****, Tension****. 9/10. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió (ehhez a tévésorozathoz)

angol Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni saved Star Wars! I remember about two years ago, I saw the trailer for the first season and wasn’t overly impressed. But the result blew me away, and even after watching the second season, it’s the same! The Mandalorian has maintained a high standard and continues to deliver a fantastic spectacle. I’ve never been a huge Star Wars fan, but thanks to this Disney project, I’ve really gotten into the universe. Beautiful locations, interesting subplots, excellent action with polished choreography, unforgettable music (the main theme will be stuck in my head for a long time), the cool Mando in the lead role, and of course, Grogu AKA Baby Yoda (that little green guy steals the show again). The finale is appropriately epic and bombastic; the last two episodes (the refinery and the cruiser attack) are an adrenaline rush. I’m really close to giving it a perfect score. 8.5/10 ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió (ehhez a tévésorozathoz)

angol Fast, brisk and at times a bit monotonous and schematic, relying on the guaranteed aura of the Star Wars universe, but to be honest, it usually works. And even though most of the episodes are basically one and done in terms of plot, The Mandalorian is packed with so many references and classic SW tropes that it can be forgiven. Pascal is one of the few actors where his voice is enough for all the acting. ()

Galéria (131)