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Az FBI profilkészítője üldözése során vonakodva csatlakozik a világ legkeresettebb műkincstolvajához, hogy elkapják a csalót, aki mindig egy lépéssel előttük jár. (Netflix)

Recenziók (14)



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angol Netflix calculated how to make a hit: take a lot of money, put in famous faces, come up with an uncomplicated story, and cram something in there for everyone, ideally in a way that the result won't turn anyone off, regardless of age or whether they want action, adventure, humor, exotic locations, or basically anything. The result is Red Notice. Dwayne Johnson scowls and occasionally punches someone, Ryan Reynolds talks and pisses Johnson off, and Gal Gadot looks good while sadly confirming that her acting talent is more suited for photos or silent films. And overall? Overall, it doesn't offend, it doesn't surprise, it passes pleasantly in the first half and drags in the second, and when there's a problem somewhere, Netflix throws a few million dollars at it and routinist Rawson Marshall Thurbert pulls it all together into something that's about two hours long, with a beginning, middle and end, and everyone will watch it anyway because we're just curious about the actors, right? And then we all forget about it in an hour. I get what Netflix was going for and I respect that they did it, but I'm certainly not going to settle for this uninteresting routine and I'm not going to praise it. It's like it was all made by a machine that figured out what people probably want to see and served it up to them. ()


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magyar Egy őrjítően unoriginális és általános, idegesítően ostoba rutin, amelynek forgatókönyve egy Tom és Jerry filmre hasonlít... és utánozza a Közönséges bűnözők című film fordulatait. Reynolds szavaival élve: "What the fuck?!" Az ő találó mondatai a film egyetlen fényes pillanatai. Ennél a Dzsungeltúra című film is fantáziadúsabb és varázslatosabb volt. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol At first, I was all in — caught up in the hype and craving some good old-fashioned adventure. I even slapped four stars on it right away. But then, after a restless night, I started to realize why this film felt so... sterile. Sure, Netflix’s most expensive film to date made a massive splash globally, but that’s mostly thanks to the star power of The Rock and Ryan Reynolds, who are undeniably huge draws right now. The problem is, despite the big-budget tag, the film doesn't really feel like it. The action is nothing spectacular, and even though the story hops around the globe, most of it plays out in generic interiors. It’s like Reynolds is whistling Indy’s tune, but the film never quite hits that adventurous stride. And just when you think it might finally deliver some of that classic archaeological thrill that movies like this need, the plot takes a few wild turns that are more nauseating than exciting. Still, I have to admit, despite all that, Red Notice is pure fun — cheesy, superficial, and more about the banter between The Rock and Ryan Reynolds than anything else. It’s perfect if you just want to turn your brain off and enjoy watching two of the biggest action-comedy stars of the moment. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol One of this year's most expensive Netflix movies is a decent genre one-off, but given the budget and the cast, I was expecting a bigger load of excitement. I was kind of hoping for something in the vein of 6 Underground, but the PG-13 rating alone kind of bugged me. It's a bit of a variation on Indiana Jones, James Bond and Ocean’s Eleven, but in neither can the film hold a candle to those franchises. As expected, Red Notice is an entertaining, expensive and nicely made film, with The Rock, Gal Gadot and Ryan Reynolds doing their thing again, and a few of the jokes are good. Unfortunately, the action is a disappointment, there isn't a single memorable action scene and the finale is delivered in a more intimate than monumental way, which is a big downside. There is one unexpected twist that’s quite good, and the heist antics aren't bad, but that's not enough for me. The two hours are bearable, and Red Notice is certainly worth recommending, but it should and could have been more consistent and wilder. Story 3/5, Action 3/5, Humor 3/5, Violence 0/5, Fun 4/5 Music 4/5, Visuals 4/5, Atmosphere 2/5, Suspense 2/5, Emotion 3/5, Actors 4/5. 6/10. ()



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angol Wonder Woman, Deadpool in civilian clothes, and the overpaid Doctor Bravestone compete to see who can pee the furthest, with the pinnacle of screenwriting being that the wind often changes. It's an artificial routine that feels faceless and shows not the slightest effort to come up with something inventive. Essentially, it’s as pointless as the net on Dwayne’s head when he’s scraping potatoes in the prison kitchen. I would like to have the perspective of those who see the soul of Indiana Jones in it. This angrily kicks at the ankles of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A TV B-movie with A-movie actors, a promising theme, a weak screenplay and the oh-so-mediocre Rawson Marshall Thurber in the director’s chair. Red Notice could be great a modern take on Indy (they even have Swastikas) and the search for Cleopatra’s golden eggs, if it weren’t for lots of nonsense and ridiculous (even if unexpected) twists. The Rock, Gadot and Ryan Reynold all act how they always act and if this had had more inventive (better filmed) action and if it hadn’t been filmed in a studio, it could have been a wonderful guilty pleasure, but this way it is only just an entertaining snack. P.S.: Not even Jablonsky was trying... ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Red Notice is a pure genre film for sure. Netflix didn't take any chances and simply offered a trio of action movie veterans another (joint) project. It follows a basic pattern, Reynolds has plenty of one-liners, Gadot is sexy, and Johnson uses his muscles. I don't think anyone will be surprised if more sequels are made. We also get the nice pairing of Gadot and Cleopatra, another of which we got in Death on the Nile, and next year she'll hopefully be playing her in a really no-frills big budget narrative film. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A trouble-free film, which was surprising to me. Dwayne Johnson and Ryan Reynolds are an unexpectedly great comedy duo, and although neither of them almost ever leave their comfort zones, I didn't mind at all because they are convincingly amusing and not awkward. And Gal Gadot keeps up with them and is more than just a useless pretty face. Red Notice masks the simplicity of the plot with a variety of situations that all three find themselves in, as well as the fact that the film makes fun of itself. For example, when one scene starts to resemble something like Indiana Jones, you can be sure that in a while someone starts whistling the fanfare of John Williams, and the action scene that confirms the affection for Indy lurks around the corner. I liked that the script wasn’t forced, that it didn't need jokes at all costs, that it was imaginative, and although it quotes or recalls all sorts of stuff (the scaffolding scene belongs in Pirates of the Caribbean, etc.), it doesn't steal them, and it is, or tries to be as original as possible. I wanted to be this satisfied with Army of Thieves, for example. ()


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angol An absolutely average to below average action/funny heist film with three A-list actors, but which drastically exudes a complete lack of creative interest in having any ambition. It won't impress, it might not even offend some, but I was expecting something diametrically different and I'm disappointed with the result. There's a million of these things out there and this one didn't stand out in any way, quite the opposite in fact, I didn't care about the film at all by the end. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Red Notice didn't entice me due to the likeable cast, with the Gadot-Johnson-Reynolds trio proving themselves in their roles. Plot-wise, it is basically a rehash of older films and aside from a minor plot twist, which was predictable from a certain point on, it doesn't have much to surprise. Some scenes feel too forced – lately filmmakers feel the need to put unnecessary artificial animals in their films – and you could talk at length about how Red Notice disregards the laws of physics, but whatever, a film like this should be taken with a grain of salt. The film could have easily been a quarter of an hour shorter, but it still managed to keep me interested, tense and even entertained at times (thanks mainly to Reynolds). ()


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angol What a weird movie. There wasn’t a hint of originality, a trio of not-quite-Shakespearean actors were cast in the lead roles, and the script and the way it was handled were quite unimpressive. Forty minutes into the movie, I was already bored, checking my watch every few minutes to see if it was going to be over soon. Gal Gadot may have a nice figure, but her acting is comparable to that of a Ukrainian clothes hanger, Ryan Reynolds' contribution was that he spent the entire movie rambling on and on (to a point when I started secretly hoping that his character would get killed off), and Dwayne Johnson is just The Rock. It was a very long two hours and I'm absolutely certain I won't watch it ever again. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Nice relaxing action-comedy with a sympathetic central trio. I like all three of them a lot, so this could not go wrong. Gal Gadot once again showed us her charms, The Rock the psychological aspect of his personality :-) and Ryan Reynolds a fun thief. Lots of visually attractive destinations, plenty of action and sharp humor. The sequel is coming soon and in my favorite city, I won't miss it. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The trailers didn’t entice me at all; I was quite worried about what this project would turn out to be. Unfortunately, my gloomy expectations were fully met! I really don’t understand how anyone can compare this to Indiana Jones in terms of quality. Director Rawson Marshall Thurber has only one similarly genre-oriented film under his belt (Skyscraper), and that one turned out quite poorly as well. The star names in Red Notice look great on paper, but in reality, the chemistry between The Rock and Reynolds just doesn’t work; for every good joke, there are three pretty terrible ones (who on earth wrote those dialogues?!). And Gal Gadot seemed at times like she was not enjoying herself (just look at her overacting). The action can be summed up as "digital chaos." Whether it’s the escape from the Russian prison or the moment with the bull (that was really glaring). The story is one big cliché (which wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t clear that the creators didn’t make much of an effort). It will have viewership; those names will attract the masses, but Red Notice didn’t convince me. 4/10 ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Reynolds is playing Reynolds as usual, The Rock is playing The Rock as usual, and Gadot isn’t acting at all (as usual). A fun and snappy, but pitifully unimaginative film (the budget paid for the central three actors, and there was clearly no money left for special effects, so it looks like a run-of-the-mill B-movie). In three days, I will have no memory of seeing the film. It will do as a way to pass a Saturday night. The lower your expectations, the more you'll enjoy it. ()

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