
  • Egyesült Államok Searching (több)
Előzetes 1


Eltűnik David Kim tizenhat éves lánya. A rendőrség nyomozni kezd, ám az apa türelmetlen, hogy az ügy lassan halad. 37 órával később úgy dönt, hogy saját kezébe veszi a nyomozást. Elhatározza, hogy megnézi a lánya laptopját, amit még senki nem nézett meg, és ahol sok titok lappang. David bizonytalanul, tájékozatlanul mozog a neten, de egyedül ott bukkanhat a lánya nyomára, találhatja meg a választ a kérdéseire. A digitális világba merülve David egyre furcsább és különösebb dolgokra bukkan. (HBO Europe)


Videók (2)

Előzetes 1

Recenziók (9)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol John Cho finds out that his daughter is missing and now he tries to find her with the help of the police. A rather ordinary plot? Maybe, but The Search is definitely not an ordinary movie. The fact that it's shot entirely on cell phone or computer cameras, and we see what's happening on a laptop screen instead of a traditional manhunt, makes it something a little different. And it works surprisingly well in the thriller genre. The Search is an interesting, but above all suspenseful and cleverly conceived film that you definitely shouldn't miss. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I'll watch Searching quietly and happily a few more times. And for several reasons. The first is the original portrayal, which surprisingly also carries with it a lot of emotion. You only see the computer screen, you only hear the sounds coming from the person looking into the computer, and yet you can understand exactly how to feel. On the one hand, it's eerily true to our times, but on the other hand, it's brilliant. The way the filmmakers came up with the finale thrilled me a little less, hence the star down. But I still think it's one of the most important films of last year. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol This is an interesting concept that I have not seen before. I get that it is not groundbreaking, but so far I have not had the honor of seeing it, so the idea itself impressed me more than it probably deserves. I was discouraged by the annoyingly melodramatic music, which seemed to come from East Asian films, where sweet sentiment is often mixed with brutal aestheticized violence. However, I was much more bothered by the incompleteness of the screenplay, which relies too much on form and does not address inconsistencies and incredible errors (would the police really work like this?). Even the literalness and typically studio ending didn't excite me. It does not help that the film loses its filmmaker's touch primarily in the second half instead of making the impressive climax helps us forget the weaker moments at the beginning. Despite all the previous complaining, however, Searching earns a decent three stars. Overall impression: 60%. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The surprise of the year and one of the best crime-media-social thrillers ever. The entire film takes place on a PC desktop, and sometimes with the help of a camera or mobile phone, which adds greatly to the authenticity and believability. It tells the story of a little girl who mysteriously disappears and her father tries to find out what happened to her. He learns information that he had absolutely no idea about his daughter and at times the film is really emotionally devastating. Praise must also go to the screenwriter who prepared a nice dose of brutal twists (all unexpected and shocking at the same time). But the biggest applause goes to the final denouement in the style of Saw, which left me almost breathless and I can't remember the last time I saw such an incredibly sophisticated, over-the-top, authentic thriller. Very gppd, incredibly gripping, engaging and uncompromisingly playing with the viewer. John Cho was very good. Bravo! 90% ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Great, intense, catchy, original. Exactly the type of thriller that you watch and get sucked into the plot by a simple but well-thought-out theme which shows the big potential power of Internet and social media. The father has broken into his daughter’s computer surprisingly easily, but it was acceptable as part of the story. At a time when European cinematography doesn’t finish itsstories and leaves the ending up to the spectator, the literal nature of this story is a nice surprise. The Americans simply like it and I also didn’t mind it. A great work that easily makes waves among mediocre thrillers and adds a lot of originality. ()

Galéria (18)