
  • Egyesült Államok Ozark
Előzetes 4
Egyesült Államok, (2017–2022), 44 h 30 perc (Percek: 52–80 perc)


Jason Bateman, Laura Linney, Julia Garner, Esai Morales, Jason Butler Harner, Clayton Rohner, Sean Freeland, Ralph Alexander, Skylar Gaertner (több)
(további alkotók)

Streaming (1)

Évad(4) / Epizódok(44)


Egy pénzügyi tanácsadó Chicagóból a Missouri-beli Ozark-hegységbe költözik családjával. Öt év alatt 500 millió dollárt kell tisztára mosnia drogbáró főnöke utasítására. (Netflix)

Videók (13)

Előzetes 4

Recenziók (3)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol After the global success of Breaking Bad, American producers were looking for material that would use similar elements and character development as Vince Gilligan's legendary masterpiece, despite different starting points, protagonists, and conflicts. Once again, we have an outwardly respectable, polished middle-class family that becomes more and more involved with and intertwined in the world of organized crime and experiences both the glitter and shadows, as well as the risks, of such an alliance. Just like Walter White, Marty Byrde is a top professional in his field, a talented nerd who hides great ambitions behind an innocent facade. When he discovers illegal business behind the activities of a client company, he can't resist the opportunity and becomes the owner of a money laundering operation. Against his will, the small business becomes bigger. Indeed, the number of bodies around him increases, as well as the number of enemies who need to be feared, just like the drug cartel that employs Marty. Unlike Walter, Marty is not alone in his work; he gradually involves the whole family, especially his wife, who quickly finds a taste for intrigues and power games. It is no coincidence that she was once involved in political campaigns. She rapidly becomes not only a valuable collaborator but also a potentially dangerous competitor. Although Breaking Bad is subjectively a higher-quality series, in the end, I will give Ozark just as much praise. I devoured the three available seasons in rapid succession, which is rare for me. Ozark does tend to be unnecessarily sentimental at times and occasionally relies too much on the promotion of American family values, whereas Breaking Bad cynically mocks them. And sometimes, for a change, you don't understand the development of certain characters, such as the lonely psychopath Darleen, who finds the strength to compete with the second most powerful drug cartel, which is truly a mystery. On the other hand, Ozark is filled with a multitude of interesting and charismatic characters, whom the screenwriters are not afraid to play nasty tricks with and often have them undergo remarkable development. There is no shortage of tension and significant twists in this series. Among the current crime series available, it is definitely an outstanding one. Overall impression: 90%. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió (ehhez a tévésorozathoz)

angol 1: Promising. The more serious tone suits Bateman and it’s fun watching series about money. Breaking Bad light... I like the extremes the creators let it reach. Little fish become big fish and Marty – master of excuses – has to be very creative. Some episodes are a little slow, but even so there are heated moments. I hope that season 2 retains the quality. 2: A solid continuation of the (im)morality of a slick financier and his stylish family. It has the same half-life as Breaking Bad, but without the humor. The filmmakers are sticking close to the serious narrative, and even the stumbling blocks that Marty has to deal with bring very few smiles to your face. Nor is building a casino with heroin producers as partners much fun when the FBI is sniffing around you. There is no return from the Ozarks, and I hope the makers are already thinking about how to round it all off. Otherwise the buildup would start to turn into banality and that would be a shame. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Necessity. Not desire. It is undeniable that the film makers are pushing the movie too hard into the box of the self-proclaimed "new Breaking Bad". But they are not good enough. At least, not yet. However, despite many legitimate drawbacks, it has a sound foundation and unmissable potential, and if the biggest problems in the following seasons are addressed, then Ozark might be something more than just a diligent apprentice in the master's shadow. Ozark will never become a master, though. However, one aspect is already congenial: an introductory approximately five-second theme song, which always incorporates four pictographs "revealing" the plot of the episode. This will engage your brain to the fullest and you will be thinking what it might represent and what the episode might be about. What works perfectly in Ozark is the feeling of inner tension that seizes Marty. The overwhelming pressure of investigators, the cartel, family, time, new location, responsibilities, Rednecks... This does an excellent job and it is in interesting contrast to the otherwise slow pace of storytelling that, given the topic and the above, one would expect rather frantic and full of twists. However, this is not a complaint, although it is strange, that it works. Bateman fits perfectly into the ambivalent role of a suburban henpecked with his ideal family, who by the way, thanks to his outstanding abilities as a financial analyst, does the money laundering for a drug cartel. Laura in the role of a loving (non) wife can hardly be more convincing, the children are not annoying (perhaps they just have unnecessarily too much space in some episodes), the gad guys are charismatic and inspiring respect (perhaps they only have unnecessarily little space in some episodes). In addition, there are at least one or two scenes in each episode, which can easily match the best Heisenberg´s moments. What is the most unfortunate is the absence of genius loci of an attractive setting (just look at what the location did for such a Bloodline or what the Redneck collection of curiosities offered Justified) and the FBI story line, where in a series full of well-written characters, there is one terribly written, full of clichés and on top of that overacted in a caricatural way. Ozark does not inspire enthusiasm, but the feeling of satisfaction from a solid crime drama comes up, that´s for sure. As well as curiosity about where does the movie take us next, because the first season can sometimes (yes, unfortunately only sometimes) surprise with its uncompromisingness.| S1: 3/5 | ()

Galéria (764)

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