
Meg Murry egy átlagos iskolás, aki sok társához hasonlóan nehezen tud beilleszkedni. Két világhírű fizikus lányaként, akárcsak öccse, különösen intelligens, és ritka tehetség birtokosa, ám erre még nem ébredt rá. Helyzetét csak bonyolítja, hogy édesapjának nemrégiben nyoma veszett. Mikor megismerkedik három isteni lénnyel (Mrs. Mejjikkel, Mrs. Mijazzal és Mrs. Kijővel), együtt indulnak vakmerő utazásra, hogy felkutassák Mr. Murryt. (Fórum Hungary)


Videók (10)

Előzetes 2

Recenziók (2)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol This is such a stupid film, probably even too stupid for kids. But the cast includes so many great actors. Either way, I have to admit that it was its stupidity that made me watch it until the end. I did yawn every now and then, but the visual side of it didn’t look like it deserved the 37% rating it got here. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A Wrinkle in Time seems like a pop music video for teenage girls, but stretched-out to an incredible 110 minutes. This is a terrible overly sweet movie with tons of emotionally-charged motivational speeches about gaining self-confidence and the power of love - way beyond the boundaries of merely childish naivety to where downright stupidity begins  - and it is hard to take seriously, especially with the most literal motivational speeches. The characters' lines fluctuate between cheesy stupid ones, like when we learn, for example, that electrons can be connected by the power of love, and even downright ridiculous nonsense - when a young girl finds the confidence to defeat evil, she is compared to Nelson Mandela and Oskar Schindler. The really lousy performances by the child actors (especially little Deric McCabe), up-and-coming adult actors in kitschy costumes speaking saccharine-sweet lines, the involvement of Oprah Winfrey in the role of the wisest being, and Mindy Kaling in perhaps the most annoying role of the whole movie will only cause people to have psychedelic headache. ()


Galéria (62)