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Harry Ambrose nyomozó vizsgálja annak a szörnyű autóbalesetnek a körülményeit, ami karrierjének legnehezebb és legveszélyesebb ügyéhez vezet. (Netflix)

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Recenziók (2)


az összes felhasználói recenzió (ehhez a tévésorozathoz)

angol The third season brought a slightly different concept; we know the killer from the start, but he isn’t immediately arrested, so Harry Ambrose has to dive deep into this complex case to uncover the truth. I have to admit that I was more engaged with the main storyline compared to the second season. The character of Jamie met the highest standards; he was mysterious, and you never knew what to expect from him next. The Pullman-Bomer duo was fantastic, with each trying to outshine the other in their scenes to claim the crown for best actor. I was a bit disappointed that the third season didn’t delve a little more into Harry’s background; in this regard, the 2018 season was definitely better. Theoretically, I was just defending this cinematic effort, so why am I giving it three stars like its predecessor? It’s mainly due to the rather lackluster ending, as it didn’t fit the established story at all, almost as if it came from a different film. That’s a letdown. However, it’s still above average for the genre. For me, it’s 7/10. ()


Galéria (118)