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  • Egyesült Királyság The Aftermath (több)
Előzetes 6


A II. világháború után felettesei azzal bízzák meg Lewis Morgan ezredest (Jason Clarke), hogy irányítsa a lebombázott Hamburg újraépítésének munkálatait. Nem sokkal később csatlakozik hozzá felesége, Rachael (Keira Knightley), aki csak az országba érkezve tudja meg, hogy új otthonukon átmenetileg kénytelenek osztozkodni a ház eredeti tulajdonosával, az özvegy Stephen Luberttel (Alexander Skarsgård) és annak dacos tinédzser lányával. Az együttélés feltépi a sebeket és felszínre hozza a politikai ellentéteket. A pattanásig feszült helyzetben aztán váratlan szenvedély lobban fel a gyönyörű fiatal feleség és a gyászoló német férfi között. (Bontonfilm)


Recenziók (4)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The British occupation zone in Germany, featuring a grand estate divided into zones by nationality, where erotic zones provoke testing the deformational zones of marriage. I don’t want to say it was as cold as Keira's ankles walking in heels through the snow, but we can agree that James Kent refused to leave the comfort zone of similar heart-wrenching stories, where grief associated with loss serves as a catalyst for the relationship. Alexander Skarsgård's wooden indifference was not the right casting choice this time. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol An adaptation of Rhidian Brook's novel. The film has some traces of the Czech Republic. The resulting film is an important report on the fate of people in post-war Hamburg. It's not a boring history lecture, and there is just enough realism to give the drama an unusual human dimension. The dashing Alexander Skarsgård serves brilliantly as a catharsis to the couple's relationship, which was disrupted one night during the bombing of London. Thanks to the shared pain of survivors of the Third Reich bombings, it is possible to find common ground. The ending of The Aftermath may be less epic than the film's direction deserves, but it's all the more human for it. Of particular note are the sets and, of course, the Barrandov costumes. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol There's something classic about this film. It is as if I'm watching a story shot with contemporary technology and with contemporary actors and one that really was created shortly after the war, that it really was filmed in bombed Germany, and it communicates what is a romantic plot in the background as if it wants to truly and sincerely convey it to everyone. In short, probably the worst part of it is its Czech title. Conversely, Keira Knightley, Jason Clarke and Alexander Skarsgård are perfect. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I didn’t think much of the script. Although I hadn’t read the summary or users’ reviews before watching it, a few minutes into the film it was clear to me what it would be about. The film certainly wouldn’t win any awards for originality. But I didn’t mind. I liked the way the creators approached the events taking place in post-war Germany and that they were not afraid to look at things from both sides of the barricade. The less interesting (romantic) part of the story surprisingly developed in the same way as the actual military conflict. Here, too, the German blitzkrieg penetrated a weak British defense, only to run out of steam in the end so that Britain could celebrate its costly victory. ()