New Yorki történetek

  • Egyesült Államok New York Stories


Három világhírű rendező egy-egy hamisítatlan New York-i történetet mesél el. Scorsese “Élettapasztalatok” epizódja Dosztojevszkij A játékos című elbeszélésén alapul, a rögeszméjével vívódó, önmegaláztatásra hajlamos festő és modelljének szenvedélyes, tragikus kapcsolatát mondja el. Coppola napfényes szerenádjában, “Az élet Zoe nélkül” című epizódban fölcserélődik a gyerekek és a felnőttek világa. A befejező részben (Ödipusz, mi fáj?) Woody Allen hősét rémálom kínozza, az életét megkeserítő anya figurája ölt gigászian nyomasztó méretet. (DunaTV)


Recenziók (6)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A loose sequence of unconnected short stories, some of which are quite good, some of which are terrible. Francis Ford Coppola’s in particular is among the latter. Overall, it’s weak. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol In this short story showdown, in my eyes, Woody Allen is the clear winner, closely followed by Martin Scorsese, with Francis Ford Coppola trailing behind. This might have been slightly influenced by the fact that he's the only one of the three who wasn't born in New York City. Since Woody Allen really amused me with his excellent satire about his ever-supervising mother, I reflected this in the final rating by adding one extra star. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Given the population of New York, it is possible to compare the creation of a film to a situation when a producer challenges three directors who shoot in different styles and for a different audience to create something. The individual stories would stand on their own at least among fans of the respective director, but together it doesn't work and moreover, I have a feeling that in neither case is it a piece that stands high amongst the works of the directors. All three stories have a certain detachment and elements of humor of varying intensity. Although I am a fan of Woody Allen, I was most intrigued by Scorsese's story. Overall impression: 60%. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Weak to extremely weak. Scorsese follows the romance between an artist and his muse in the form of Nick and Rosanna. Coppola gives a chance to his daughter Sofia, who's been toiling away as a screenwriter... and finally, Allen makes another variation on whatever Mia was in (and as a bonus, destroys the comedic talents of Mae Questel). We also get to see a tiny Kirsten Dunst as an extra in the role of Mia’s daughter. Oh, dear. Well, everyone has to start somewhere. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Three short stories directed by three masters. Martin Scorsese, Woody Allen, and Francis Ford Coppola. Martin Scorsese shows what a talent he has for strong characters and how well he manages their destinies. The painter played by Nick Nolte is excellent. Woody Allen once again plays his neurotic self, but in this case, he is unbelievably charming, primarily thanks to his film mom. And finally, Francis Ford Coppola, who also does not disappoint, but it's as if he doesn't quite fit with the other two. After all, Scorsese and Allen have New York much more ingrained in them, both through life experiences (Coppola is from Detroit) and cinematically. ()

Galéria (19)