Osanago warera ni umare

Előzetes 1


40-something Makoto Tanaka (Tadanobu Asano) has 3 daughters. One from a previous marriage and two step-daughters that he has raised with his second wife. While life can be a bit complicated Makoto seems to manage juggling all of his responsibilities. But when his wife announces she is pregnant with another child, it throws their delicate balance into disarray, creating chaos within both families. (Hawaii International Film Festival)


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az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol This is another one of those calmer films that make you think that the Japanese can be not only crazy and bizarre, but also human. It really cannot be ruled out. Dear Etranger takes only that which is human, but not so beautiful and more so dramatic, while still taking into account how sensitive people can perceive events. ()

Galéria (23)