A Karib-tenger kalózai - A Fekete Gyöngy átka

  • Egyesült Államok Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (több)
Előzetes 2


A XVII. században a Karib-tenger a kalózok birodalma volt, akik megfélemlítették az angol királyi flottát is. Elizabeth Swannt (Keira Knightley), az angol kormányzó lányát elrabolja a rettegett kalóz, Barbossa kapitány (Geoffrey Rush). A lány gyerekkori barátja és szerelme, Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) a lány megmentésére indul, és akarva-akaratlanul a kalózok segítségét kell kérnie. Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp), a kalózok vezére felfedi Barbossa és társai titkát. Will és Jack megkísérlik a lehetetlent: megszerezni a Fekete Gyöngyöt, kimenteni a lányt és mellesleg megszerezni a világ legdrágább kincsét. (RTL Klub)


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Előzetes 2

Recenziók (12)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Egy rutinos történetváz, tele remek poénokkal és klassz trükkökkel. Egy bájos, de unalmas hollywoodi szórakozás, amelyet a túlnyújtottság akadályoz, és amelyet helyenként kiemel a kiváló Johnny Depp. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Pirates of the Caribbean = an unexpectedly successful attack on audiences' wallets, or a modern fairy tale about how Johnny's gorgeous make-up and Orlando's dark eyes made a fortune for Disney. I really can't remember the last time I took real pleasure in watching an all-around goofy and jerky actor with the amusing visage of a stoned Rastaman, as I did here with Depp. And Orlando? Someone should tell him that there are no elves in the Caribbean. He's wooden as always, but thanks to his romantic appearance he attracted a lot of female fans to the cinema (see the quote "I almost drowned in his beautiful dark eyes...") and they don't care whether he can act or not. Who can certainly act is Geoffrey Rush, hes smarmy corsair was a joy to watch. But the biggest star for me is Jerry Bruckheimer. Spectacular sets and a big budget, in short, what we are used to in his films. It must be a pleasure to work under his wing. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol At the beginning of the new millennium, no sane person would have bet even half a penny on a film with pirate themes. The theme was considered exhausted and outdated, and not suitable for the era of computers and genetic engineering. The last attempts in the genre field also ended in failure. The idea sat in a drawer for a while, but director Verbinski finally took the plunge when he came up with an original, action-packed popcorn spectacle for all generations, and with a hero who had never been seen before. Depp's pirate captain has a much closer resemblance and behavior to the hippies of the 60s than to the classic idea of a sea wolf. And even within the series of extravagant loners and oddballs he usually portrays, he is an unmistakable figure. The film is a lavishly made special effects spectacle full of exaggeration and simple, yet unoffensive humor. It is in the best sense of the word a family adventure film that, in my eyes, does not age and even after the third viewing, I have no need to change my opinion about it. It's just a shame about the unnecessary sequels that plundered and diluted the successful original. Overall impression: 85%. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Definitely the most comprehensive, logically independent, and best installment (by a wide margin) of the series. Gore Verbinski, under Jerry Bruckheimer's supervision, accomplished everything he could, especially in terms of actors. Orlando Bloom gets by just by playing himself as an innocent blacksmith, Keira Knightley is traditionally captivating, Geoffrey Rush is appropriately slimy, and Johnny Depp's performance has already become iconic after just a few weeks. A perfect example of an entertaining adventure film that can be watched over and over again. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Without Depp, the film would be almost hopeless, but Johnny’s Jack Sparrow is one of the best comic characters I've ever seen in a big film. Looking at Orlando Bloom, the question creeps into my mind whether his performance of "I am Legolas, but dressed as a buccaneer, don't confuse it, dear children" is meant seriously, or whether it is a deliberate exaggeration of the character of the incorrigible good guy Will Turner... Simple storyline, nice tricks, excellent humor; just a fun film the way it should be! ()

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Kapcsolódó hírek

Johnny Depp visszatér a Jack Sparrow szerepében?

Johnny Depp visszatér a Jack Sparrow szerepében?


Johnny Depp (A Karib-tenger kalózai: Salazar bosszúja) az utóbbi években meglehetősen turbulens időket éli. A korábbi párjával, Amber Heard színésznővel (Aquaman és az Elveszett Királyság) folytatott… (több)