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  • Egyesült Államok Battle of the Sexes (több)
Előzetes 1


A szexuális forradalom és a nők egyenjogúságáért való küzdelem idején egy sportesemény tartotta lázban a világot. Az 55 éves egykori teniszbajnok, Bobby Riggs - aki mindig lekicsinylően beszélt a nők játékáról - kihívta a női világranglista 2. helyezettjét, a 29 éves Billy Jean Kinget, mondván bármikor képes legyőzni. A kihívás azért is érdekes volt, hiszen mindenki tudta, hogy King a saját neméhez vonzódik és a női egyenjogúság elkötelezett harcosa. A két sztárteniszező végül összecsap egymással. (HBO Europe)


Videók (3)

Előzetes 1

Recenziók (5)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I understand that all the participants in the project dedicated a considerable amount of time to it, but they did not have much luck in their timing. Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris have filmed a pleasant period spectacle that, without any subtle nuances – quite the opposite – fights for women's rights then and now, whether in sports or in life. However, they did it shortly after a thematically similar (and narratively more generous due to the TV format) show, GLOW, had appeared on Netflix. Despite the traditionally excellent Emma Stone and the unbelievably spot-on casting of Steve Carell, it is a disappointment when we reach the actual Battle, after significant historical facts are omitted and a few too convenient twists are added, despite the use of the exact dialogue. I did not want to believe that this clichéd and rather TV-esque production is supposed to be that historical turning point. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I was originally going to write that this film highlights a subject that is still very much alive, and I think that's a good thing. But after reading many of the wonderfully thought-provoking comments here, I'm convinced. We need to be reminded of what was, and we need to wonder if it's really gone, or if it's not here anymore, just in a slightly different form. Plus, the perfect casting of the two leads makes Battle of the Sexes a very entertaining spectacle. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol An excellent Carell, who may be anything but not acting timber (which he's been showing for a good 12 years now), a charming Emma Stone, and a very mediocre biographical drama with a straightforward plot and underdeveloped subplots. The film's hero was supposed to be Emma, but in the finale, as a guy, I was still rooting for the cocky Riggs, which is a sign of considerable directorial failure. But that doesn't change the fact that thanks to a rich supply of interesting characters and motives, it goes by relatively quickly. In a story inspired by such a socially significant yet intensely personal subject, things should have been worked on much deeper and slower, not told like a semi-documentary TV movie sucked out of thin air. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I think that the film was well conceived, especially in terms of acting, but it also managed to show the period, the mindset of the people, and in the end present a very interesting sports and human story. Sometimes you wonder if the opinions that come out of men's mouths are exaggerated, but then you realize that no, that's how some of them see things all the time. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I was slightly apprehensive about this film. I don't like furious feminists or die-hard chauvinists, just like any other type of fanatics. I was relieved to find out that the filmmakers didn't push the theme too hard, which I really appreciated. On the other hand, I felt the film lacked plot at times and I was slightly bored. Anyway, I would definitely highlight the acting performances of Steve Carell and Emma Stone. ()

Galéria (71)