
Egy dolog közös a fura és túlzottan is ambiciózus zongorista Andiban és a laza és könnyelmű Bennóban: mindkettőt halálos betegséggel diagnosztizáltak. Mivel úgy látszik, nem sok idejük van hátra, Benno meggyőzi Andit, hogy szökjenek meg a hospice-ből, hogy egy kalandos út során átéljék életük legjobb napját. Ügyesen pénzt szereznek az útra, nekivágnak Afrikának. A hipochonder Andinak az utazás kezdete totális rémálom, míg Benno titokban arra készül, hogy végre az életben szembenézzen múltjával. Számos vidám és szomorú pillanatot élnek meg, hogy elérjék eredeti céljukat, hogy átéljék a legkúlabb napot. (ADS Service)


Videók (5)

Előzetes 2

Recenziók (5)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Florian David Fitz is an interesting man who completely missed my taste in 100 Things, hit it exactly in The Perfect Secret, and now he has missed me again. A comedy where I literally didn't laugh once during 45 minutes, with a story that is silly with tons of logical holes. It's clear from the start that the film is aiming again for the final emotion and the already tired and rehashed them of the "bond" between friends. I turned it off after halfway through because it's boring to the point of being awful. More could have been made of the idea, especially in terms of comedy. Avoid it. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A well-made comedy, which along with (for now) both parts of Suck Me Shakespeer ranks among the best pieces Germany has offered us recently. The funny scenes worked very well, as did the grim ones. More than one user has compared The Most Beautiful Day to Knockin' on Heaven's Door, so I decided to see that older film as well. Both films have something in common, and although The Most Beautiful Day borrows many motifs from Knocking, I found it more humorous and direct to the viewer. In short, a decently made film that has a likable cast and a good (albeit previously used) theme. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I wanted to congratulate the Germans for another decent comedy, but upon viewing I actually didn’t know if I was happy with the movie or not. Despite the humorous component of the movie it is actually pretty hard to be happy about a duo that strives to be like the established standard a la Bud Spencer vs. Terence Hill but in reality, they completely lack the hidden manly friendship. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol If this were an original film, it would be a pleasant combination of comedy and tragedy, but unfortunately, it's not that original, simply because the Germans already made Knockin' on Heaven's Door twenty years ago. The starting point is the same, and the overall development is very similar. The Most Beautiful Day is still good, and Matthias Schweighöfer is becoming my favorite German actor. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The tried and tested duo of Florian and Matthias prove once again that they are a great comedy team. Their friendship entertains you, moves you, and even makes you think a little. I enjoyed the film, I wasn't bored with it, but I still expected the script to pull some bigger cards out of its sleeve, some more funny moments, and a more elaborate denouement. 3.5 stars. ()

Galéria (24)