
Anyának lenni nem könnyű feladat. Amynek (Mila Kunis) látszólag tökéletes az élete, csodás otthonában éldegél a férjével, két eminens gyerekével, gyönyörűen néz ki, és a munkahelyén is folyamatosan helyt áll. De egy nap eljön az a pillanat, amikor besokall a napi rutintól, a ráháruló feladatoktól és a szülői munkaközösségben tevékenykedő, túlbuzgó anyáktól. Két hasonlóan túlstresszelt anyatársával (Kristen Bell, Kathryn Hahn) úgy döntenek, kimenőt adnak maguknak, és vad tivornyázásba kezdenek. Csak egy dolog számít: hogy jól érezzék magukat. Visszatér a régi koleszos csajbulik ideje nagy ivászatokkal, kalóriadús kajálásokkal, hajnalig tartó dumálásokkal. Az iskola makulátlan szülői (Christina Applegate, Jada Pinkett Smith) azonban görbe szemmel nézik a lázadást, és keresztes hadjáratot hirdetnek „felelőtlen" társaik ellen – ám a szabadelvű anyatriót nem kell félteni. (Freeman Film)


Videók (23)

Előzetes 1

Recenziók (3)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Well, that was quite something. 100 minutes of sheer desperation. Women with kids and a husband who doesn't help with anything have it tough. Wow, I just summed up the film in one sentence. I'm not one of those who think parental leave is a vacation, but it’s annoying when women complain about having children. I assume they were actively involved in the process of conception, perhaps with the exception of Mary of Nazareth. The humor in the film isn’t much to talk about, the romantic scenes made me cringe, and the ending was so touching it made me want to puke. One star for the great character of Kiki played by Kristen Bell who was the only one I enjoyed. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Bad Moms is a comedy that, despite being dominated by a mostly female cast, has balls and isn't afraid to sell it, while maintaining a tolerable level of humour and not slipping into the awkward and disgusting ends of the genre, as is the case with many comedies from current production. I really had a lot of fun and laughed as much as I have in a long time during the film, whether it was during the discussions and banter between the various "bad moms" or purely during the gestures and physical acting of the characters. The cast was well chosen, as each actress in the central trio had her own distinctive comic take on the character she was playing, which worked to a tee. Plus I liked the credit scene with the real mothers of each actress. All in all, a pleasant surprise and a breather all in one with a likeable cast, a properly peppy script and just enough funny moments delivered frequently and in the right doses. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I was apprehensive at first, but in the end I was doubly surprised not only how much I liked the film, but also what a popular hit Bad Moms has become in the US, and that a sequel is already in the works. Mila Kunis is amazing and adorable and Kathryn Hahn is a modern day female Stiffler, she takes care of the humour here without peer and succeeds. The mall scene is awesome. Although the film is more for the female gender, I had fun too, sometimes it doesn't hurt to watch women enjoying themselves. 75% ()

Galéria (41)