
A 43 éves Fúsi (Gunnar Jónsson) még mindig az anyjával él. A túlsúlyos, magányos férfit nap mint nap piszkálják emiatt munkahelyén, a helyi repülőtéren, ahol csomagkezelőként dolgozik. Esténként a fő szórakozása az, hogy heavy metal számokat kér a helyi rádió kívánságműsorában, vagy második világháborús csatákat játszik el miniatűr figurákkal. Barátja alig van, életét a napi rutinok teszik ki. Fúsi élete azonban megváltozik, amikor anyja udvarlója beíratja őt szülinapi ajándékként táncórákra. Itt ismerkedik meg a különc Sjöfnnel (Ilmur Kristjánsdóttir), aki szép lassan kicsalogatja a magányos férfit a csigaházából, Fúsinak pedig nem kell sok, hogy teljesen belehabarodjon a nőbe. Ám hamarosan kiderül, hogy Sjöfn a virgonc felszín alatt legalább annyira sebzett, mint Fúsi. (Mozinet)


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magyar Szomorúan szellemes bepillantás egy jófiú életébe, aki belsőleg megbékélt kívülállóságával és magányával. Érzékeny, bensőséges, Gunnar Jonsson minimalista, de kiváló színészi alakításával. Régóta nem hatott rám érzelmileg ilyen erősen egy ilyen típusú északi film. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A great Icelandic drama; I felt bad for Fúsi the entire hour and a half. But he has sort of brought all of the misfortune on himself by not communicating with the people around him and by not expressing his feelings and emotions. On the other hand, I tried to push him – with my eyes at least – to some sort of actions and some really did appear in the movie. You can judge for yourself if there was any point to them, but I personally think that Fúsi will stay in my heart for a while, just like the actor who played him so brilliantly. ()



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angol I’m not afraid to say that we all have a bit of Fúsi. He’s a good, amazing man shut in his own world of inescapable loneliness and negativity to such an extent that he’s automatically considered eccentric and bad by those around him. A man who, through the overwhelming haze of his own inferiority, fails to realize that he’s by far the most normal. A bittersweet film that, with its slow pace, melancholic piano soundtrack and precisely measured performance by the lead actor, caresses the soul and evokes participation, even if it also plunges you into depression and makes you want to forget it (or rather what it is about). I’d like to correct my opening statement: if only everyone had a bit of Fúsi. ()


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angol (50th KVIFF) Fusi is certainly a pleasant character, but The Virgin Mountain is certainly not a pleasant film; after watching it I felt like putting a noose around my neck and jumping from a window – it was that depressing and sad. I can’t bear it when such a likeable character doesn’t find even a hint of happiness. In fact, I take it as bit of a low blow from the director and scriptwriter Dagur Kári, who conceived the film as a tragic-COMEDY with lots of very funny scenes. It seems that this year the Icelanders have decided to make us sad in Karlovy Vary (there’s another depressive thing from Iceland coming in KVIFF). A strong film, no doubt. 80 % ()


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angol I don't expect much from Iceland anymore, the award-winning short story web Vonarstræti was naive and with the 90s, Rams fine, but shouldn't have won the Un Certain Regard under any circumstances. Therefore, an even more pleasant surprise is the return of the written-off Dagur Kári, who shot a film which, at its core, looks like every other Icelandic drama about a lone freak, but manages to create a believable human mountain of emotion, fragility and virgin goodness. A subtle film, without falsity and excesses, predictable, but surprisingly touching and captivating storytelling about pure goodness. Tender love is blind, as sung by Dolly Parton. Virgin Mountain is definitely one of the best things from there in the last (many) years. ()

Galéria (15)