
Csehország, 2014, 87 perc


Miroslav Janek


Miroslav Janek


Olga Havlová (a. f.), Václav Havel (a. f.), Miloš Forman (a. f.), Jack Nicholson (a. f.), Ivan Martin Jirous (a. f.), Jiří Němec (a. f.) (több)
(további alkotók)


The police couldn't break her, the Castle didn't change her: The remarkable story of Václav Havel's reluctant first lady.
Olga Havlová was the closest and most trustworthy companion of Václav Havel, a friend who was never a spoilsport - on the contrary, she initiated the fun herself - a generous host, passionate games-player and mushroom-gatherer, a nature-lover, sharp commentator, courageous and diligent dissident; a wise and practical woman, always with her feet on the ground and true to herself. In 1990 she founded the Výbor dobré vůle (Committee of Good Will), still doing its good work today. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)


Videók (3)


Recenziók (1)


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angol Miroslav Janek's documentary admittedly resigns in terms of using the official biographical data and instead offers information about the former First Lady through archival footage and the personal confessions of people who knew Olga Havlová, or at least had something to do with her (her former bodyguard also gets to say his piece). The result is a retrospective collage that says less about Olga herself, and more about dissent in general and the atmosphere of the places where dissidents get together. But Havel is also in the film. Otherwise, Janek's documentary is far too careful, sliding on the surface and offering nothing that would make it extraordinary or attractive for repeated viewing. It seems as if the filmmakers struggled with a lack of material during the filming and were thankful for whatever they got, so long as it was at least a little bit about Olga. The documentary is decent, but Olga cannot be compared to the excellent Citizen Havel, a film that Miroslav Janek finished after Pavel Koutecký passed away. ()

Galéria (21)