Megmaradt Alice-nek

Előzetes 1


Alice Howland, a neves nyelvészprofesszor boldog házasságban él, három felnőtt gyermeke van. Ám minden megváltozik, amikor kezd elfelejteni szavakat, dolgokat. Eleinte csak belezavarodik a gondolatmenetébe az egyetemi előadásain, és pánikba esik, amikor futás közben rájön, nem tudja, merre jár. Az orvos Alzheimer-kórt diagnosztizál nála, kevéssel az 50. születésnapja után. Alice nehezen fogadja el helyzetét, és azért küzd, hogy a lehető legtöbb ideje maradjon a családjára. (HBO Europe)


Videók (8)

Előzetes 1

Recenziók (8)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A typical Alzheimer's drama starring a likeable and believable Julianne Moore in a vivid and well-drawn live portrayal of a sick person in decline. There are some strong scenes and a few realistic science talk surrounding the disease, but otherwise it's "just" another dramatic moving picture that doesn't stand out or impress with anything. A fine one-off, but those who don't like this genre can skip the film and not miss anything... ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I didn’t expect it, but after watching this film, I can say that I was treated to an extremely strong drama as well as another absolutely perfect performance by Julianne Moore.I like the way the creators introduced Alzheimer’s disease. At the same time, I was saddened by what the disease did to the Julianne Moore’ character. Anyhow the only thing I can say that even though the ending made my eyes go as wide as saucers, in the end I was happy for it. It wasn’t what I expected but on the other hand it wasn’t gloomy or sad. I hope I will remember this movie when I’m retired. It won’t leave me alone for quite some time, I think. The same goes for the excellent Julianne who’s great in everything I’ve watched with her. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol An absolutely breathtaking drama telling the story of a woman who gradually loses everything she ever had due to an insidious disease. It stands primarily on a very well-written screenplay and a truly amazing performance by Julianne Moore, who manages to take the whole film for herself and the golden statue belongs to her rightfully. Throughout the film we follow a highly erudite woman and her family as they have to deal with Alzheimer's disease, which doesn't choose, but only takes, until one is left a soulless shell with no clue about the world around them. Still Alice is an acting masterclass from one amazing actress and a very compelling look at a disease that is very relevant today. It is a film that is made with remarkable sensitivity, in which the serious scenes are meant to be serious and not sentimental. In short, for the first time in a while a truly well-made and modestly conceived dramatic film that definitely deserves attention and appreciation. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol While it's nice that the film doesn't overdo it with the hope and the whole thing feels like the last 20 minutes of Benjamin Button, but did I really seen a scene where Julianne Moore is courageously lecturing people about her illness, with a piano playing wistfully in the background, and the audience wiping away tears with proud smiles while giving a standing ovation? I'd probably take it in stride, but this is the year Blind made it to Czech cinemas. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Nice and naturally human, without sentimental outpourings or extremely cynical twists. Julianne Moore's performance is superb and she carries the whole story solely on her shoulders so brilliantly that we almost don't realise how mundane and unoriginal the movie is. Or yet another in the Oscar hatchery of "If you have a heart, watch, be inspired and love me" projects :)) 70% ()

Galéria (52)