
Phil Broker (Jason Statham), az ex-kábszerellenes ügynök maga mögött hagyva sötét múltját lányával, Kittel új életet készül kezdeni egy látszólag csendes kisvárosban. Azonban a nyugodt, hétköznapi élet csak vágyálom Broker és Kit számára. Amikor a kislányt az egyik helyi srác megtámadja, és Kit önvédelemből visszaüt, nem várt események veszik kezdetét. A bosszúra éhes szülők nem riadnak vissza az erőszakos eszközöktől sem, mindent bevetnek, hogy az újonnan jött idegeneket megfélemlítsék, és tönkre tegyék. Broker ezután az incidens után lassan rájön, hogy milyen piszkos üzelmek folynak a kisvárosban, amihez a rossz hírű családnak is köze van. A bűnhálózat feje egy szociopata drogbáró, Gator Bodine (James Franco), aki miután felfedi az ügynök kilétét, hajtóvadászatot indít ellene, veszélybe sodorva Kit életét is. Broker egyetlen esélye, hogy megvédje családját, és a város lakóit, ha fegyvert ragad, és leszámol a velejéig gonosz kiskirályokkal. (Pro Video Film)


Recenziók (6)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol An archetypically stupid script can only make a stupid film. I don't buy the Stallone cliché, but in Statham’s films, which are all the same, there is nothing new under the sun, so there can be no question of disappointment. And James Franco is a casting blunder, he can't play the bad guy with that smarmy, good-guy face. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Jason Statham a thousand times the same. Homefront might have a pretty cool name, which will remain in my memory for some time for sure. Also, the screenplay was written by Sly. On the other hand, however, I think that it wasn’t too hard to write the screenplay for this movie. Jason plays an undercover cop, whose operation in the midst of a motorcycle gang gets screwed up by cops and the son of the boss of this bike gang gets shot to shreds. He runs away, changes his identity, but they find him anyways and they want to mess him up real bad. But that’s Jason we are talking about – he manages to escape all the traps, kick everybody’s ass and all that without moving a muscle in his face. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A fine Statham movie that is rather slow to take off. But from the moment when a big black guy pins one of the motorcyclists to the wall with a hay fork, it suddenly picks up pace and doesn’t stop till the end. Franco is great and, for Jason, a little untraditional opponent who uses his wits rather than fighting. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol If Stallone had made and starred in this banger 20 or 25 years ago, half the action genre fans would have lost their minds and we would have another movie classic in the world. Today it feels a bit archaic in both script and visual execution, but as an homage to the simple action movies of the 1980s it's good. Those classic trademarks are here in droves: old cars, rednecks everywhere you look, an incredibly buff Kate Bosworth, the ever sexy Winona Ryder, old rock hits, and most importantly the best in terms of power and uncompromising action - bravo! An addition to the genre that is not a disgrace, just a little lost in time. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The classic Jason Statham action B-movie with a generic premise, but is enough for an evening's entertainment. It's got pace, quality action, it runs like clockwork from the beginning and the final home invasion is reminiscent of Rambo: Last Blood (Sylvester Stallone on the script, coincidence?). The main character is ably seconded by James Franco and Frank Grillo, which certainly doesn't hurt, even if these aren’t the roles of a lifetime. I was pleasantly surprised, and since I haven't seen Statham in a while and I like his characters and films, I'll throw in that extra star. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I have to say, Jason Statham with long hair immediately caught my attention, and I was curious to see how the film would develop further. The fact that the script was written by Sly Stallone also instilled a fair amount of confidence in me, and I like Franco, too. It looks, at least at first glance, like an interesting project. It’s a fairly classic movie where a guy wants to defend his family and himself from bad guys. Simple, straightforward, and good. ()

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