
Richie (Timberlake) online pókeren szerzi meg a tandíjra valót, és egyszer nagyon lehúzzák. Dühében elindul, hogy megkeresse az oldal üzemeltetőjét. Ivan Block (Affleck), a nagymenő szerencsejáték-szervező Costa Ricán él, és egészen meghökkentő válasszal lepi meg a srácot, amikor az szemtől szembe kerül vele. Richie két tűz közé szorul. Block és a rajta keresztül elérhető határtalan gazdagság áll az egyik oldalon, és az őt mindenáron levadászni akaró fanatikus FBI ügynök (Anthony Mackie) a másikon. (InterCom)


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magyar Száraz. Tucatnyi hasonló, de sokkal magával ragadóbb és fantáziadúsabb zsánerfilm létezik, és ezeknek általában 3 csillagot adok, mert nagyobb ambíciók nélkül is legalább két órára eléggé szórakoztatóak. A Vakszerencse nem szórakoztatott. Gyenge forgatókönyv és gyenge kémia a színészek között, akik még csak nem is megfelelő szereposztásban vannak. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The tanned Benjamin as a herbivorous shark of online gambling faces Justin, who looks bewildered as if he just saw Janet Jackson's breast. These are players on the traditional axis of discomfort - cooperation - comfort - reporting within the criminal record, which naturally includes a point for slurping Quantum oil from Gemma Arterton. The rustling of dollars in a polished, glamorous world lacks a better depiction of characters without resorting to industry clichés and a bit more consistency in fulfilling expected genre parameters. The ending is truly fairy-tale-like. In reality, the fatal femme would go all-in, while the eager student from Princeton would leave the private jet’s cabin. Naturally, mid-flight. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol You expect a boring mess with two action figures in the lead and suddenly you get a surprisingly mature thriller without exploding cars and the other instant thriller attractions. With two action figures in the lead. Admittedly, it doesn't quite know if it wants to be a poker movie (up to the first 20 minutes or so), a mafia movie (everything with Affleck), or a corruption crime drama against exotic backdrops, but on the other hand the timing of the dialogue, the pace of the individual scenes, the subtle camera magic, and the directorial confidence is something that isn't a complete given these days. The problem with the film is precisely its ceaselessness, where none of the things one would expect from a crime, thriller, or poker movie are actually present, and it's barely saved by the hideous redneck lumber of Arterton, a farmer’s daughter who finally makes me understand why the whole of Quantum of Solace cost about as much as a minor colony on Pluto – you could even touch her there. And tenderly. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A film without higher ambitions. Visually, it is traditionally clean, in an interesting and luxurious setting, with attractive people (Gemma Arterton). One cannot fail to notice the recurring spontaneity of Justin Timberlake – that man has acting talent – and Ben Affleck, who is becoming better the older he gets. It is a run-of-the-mill genre film, but at least it wasn't too long, and occasionally entertaining. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I’m no expert on online internet games, I don’t even know how to play that dumb, online poker, so I didn’t get any of the references (but I know they were there), the action at places didn’t make sense, and mainly it’s too slow. I didn’t enjoy it and the fact that Ben enjoyed playing this motherfucker simply doesn’t make it for me. ()

Galéria (58)