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  • Egyesült Királyság How I Live Now
Előzetes 1


Daisyt, a lázadó természetű amerikai tinédzsert egyedül neveli az apja, a felesége belehalt a szülésbe. Az apa a vidéken élő angol rokonaihoz küldi a lányt, hogy a nagynénjével és a mostoha-unokatestvéreivel töltse a nyarat. A dacos és boldogtalan városi lány kezdetben nem találja a helyét, ám egy kis idő után azon kapja magát, hogy beleszeret a legidősebb, jó képű mostoha-unokatestvérébe. Edmund viszonozza az érzelmeit. A romantikus álmaikat azonban szétzúzzák az Európából érkező háborús hírek. (PARLUX Entertainment)


Videók (3)

Előzetes 1

Recenziók (3)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A film that at times unnecessarily tries to push the envelope, as if it can't decide whether it wants to be The Road or Red Dawn. Ultimately, you'll still feel like you're watching a strange version of Narnia without the children actually entering Narnia. Saoirse Ronan shows she's unafraid of challenges, yet some of her characters may come across as monotonous and disagreeable. This is one of them. The eve of the Third World War is an intriguing setting; on the other hand, why couldn't it be the eve of the Second? The vision of the future here doesn't have much justification. Or was it a warning? ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A realistic post-apocalyptic story with the absolutely amazing Saoirse Ronan. I have to admit that I even wondered here and there whether to give it five stars. I don’t know why, but the world they depicted here has always been alluring to me; both in books and movies. But I rarely ever found such stories. And when I saw Saoirse in the very first minute, I was thinking that there’s no way they could have gotten a better actress for such a movie. She’s just so amazing and beautiful and… amazing! In any case, the story is the reason that didn’t let me add the fifth star. It’s absolutely classic as far as similar premises go. Entering a war zone, being rescued from it, fleeing, searching for survivors, an attempt at escaping the human vultures and returning to the place where the story began. Nothing more and nothing less. But I already know that thanks to the atmosphere, I won’t be quick to forget about this movie. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol World War III in a very intimate way, with a compelling atmosphere, two acting performances (a rebellious Saoirse Ronan and a proper - though sinfully underused - Tom Holland) that are great, and others that are "just" good. The film is aimed more at a younger audience, but that doesn't mean that it can't also attract others. The main thing is not to expect a sweeping story full of characters, action and special effects. I believe that if a teenage girl during the war had experienced what the protagonist of this film experienced, and if she had kept a diary, the entries in it would have looked exactly like this. ()

Galéria (27)