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Az illinois-i üzletember, Ray Kroc megismerkedik a Kalifornia déli részén hamburgerezőt üzemeltető McDonald fivérekkel az 1950-es években. Krocot lenyűgözi az étterem gyors kiszolgálási rendszere, s ügyesen manőverezve átveszi az irányítást a vállalkozás felett; hamarosan milliárdos birodalommá és a világ egyik legismertebb márkanevévé fejleszti a McDonald'sot. (Fórum Hungary)


Recenziók (8)



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magyar Informatívan érdekes, majd kiderül, hogy miről szólt. De nem meglepő, filmes munka szempontjából unalmas, épphogy a vasárnap délutáni tévézéshez alkalmas. Akár 4:3 formátumban. Hitchcock legalább Hitchcock-ról szólt és Jobs - Gondolkozz másképp Jobs-ról, akik érdemre méltó személyiségek (ezt a kettőt azért említem, mert ezek is kisebb, filmes szempontból hétköznapi filmek). Ray Kroc története egy sikeres üzletember hétköznapi sztorija, aki két társát átverte, a harmadiknak tönkretette a házasságát, és király lett. Bár a film a végén megkérdezi a lelkiismeretét, mégis meglehetősen egyoldalúan dicsőíti őt, mint a kor győztesét. Arra a kérdésre, hogy milyen minőségű az, amivel az ő lánca különösen a gyerekeket eteti, az alkotók rá se hederítenek. Keaton jó, tökéletesen illik a szerepre, de egy gyengébb színész is elég lett volna. ()


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angol I would never have thought that the story of the McDonald brothers would be so interesting. Unfortunately, interesting rather in the negative sense of the word. I would sum it up by saying that the movie The Founder presents one ot the most unorthodox stories of a brand that became a worldwide phenomenon. I don’t know whether this is standard in the world of business, but this movie represents a model example of how business is done. Michael Keaton is absolutely incredible in this film and believe you me that even if you don’t like hamburgers from the Golden Arches, you will feel sorry for the McDonald brothers anyways. That’s how strong this movie is. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Great biopic about the creation of the powerful McDonald's franchise. Michael Keaton is excellent in his role, occasionally funny, and I really enjoyed watching how the story unfolds. A bit like The Social Network, with Facebook replaced by McDonald's. Interesting, educational, entertaining, and occasionally thrilling. Definitely a solid biopic. 8/10. ()


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angol You’re just enjoying your American dream when someone jumps in and starts dreaming it for you. You wake up sweaty, with a check in hand but without a name and the illusion that a handshake has any relevance. The smile of a traveling salesman, soured by insincerity, with the traits of a parasite compensating for an inability to create, persistence adorned only with the necessary amount of scruples, and moral deformation under the weight of one’s own ambitions. I was suitably disgusted by Keaton as the Freddy Krueger of American hospitality, and that’s the best business card for him. At the end, there’s a note that the products of Kroc's concept feed 1% of the world’s population daily. Fine, but it should have mentioned that it’s also responsible for 17% of all their fat cells. ()



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angol Today we finished the story of how it all began with a McDonald’s (a promo McBus came to town with real meat in their burgers). Keaton is excellent, but John Lee Hancock brings no surprises in terms of cinema. The main problem is the ordinariness of the whole story. If the brand wasn’t so popular, almost certainly no movie would have been made. But there’s no controversy, but nevertheless a good watch. ()


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angol An honestly told story about a truth that all company founders know all too well: it's not so much about talent, but about perseverance and the drive to move forward. The Founder may not be as inventive and sophisticated as other bombastic tales of ascent, but it cannot be denied a certain degree of realism, occasionally biting sarcasm and functional elements from life (family problems, debts, etc.). It may not have any climactic moments, but it's a classy film. Michael Keaton steals the whole film for himself and the statement "the older the better" applies to him as well. ()


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angol Flat and unremarkable in terms of filmmaking, but informative enough, with a great testimonial value about how McDonald’s was actually created step by step with all the main actors. Michael Keaton was excellent as the initially unsuccessful investor recruiting people on a whim for the role of branch managers, the rest of the cast was kind of by-the-numbers. Although this is more of a documentary than a feature film, as it lacks any significant twists, suspense, or anything "wow" that I would think in a few weeks, it was worth it, I wasn't bored. All in all, an interesting look at the rise of an initially innocent and non-commercial chain, but perhaps a little lacking in the negative impact on today's obesity and I was bothered by the rather controversial portrayal of Ray Kroc as a savior of the people. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A fantastic biographical film about a brand that nearly everyone on our blue planet knows! No, seriously, I personally didn’t know much about the history of McDonald’s; I could probably provide no more information than the number of fingers on one hand (actually, even less =D). At first, I enjoyed Michael Keaton’s character and his actions, as he expanded the brand across America and then embarked on a "crusade" into the world. But as he became a bigger media celebrity, his ego grew, and he turned into a businessman solely focused on profit, with little regard for those around him. The saddest fact is undoubtedly how the real creators of "McDonald’s," the McDonald brothers, ended up. In the end, Kroc outmaneuvered them in their mutual agreement, leaving them with only financial compensation and the obligation to remove anything mentioning McDonald’s from the name of their original and first store of the famous brand. Otherwise, the film is very credible, capturing the 1950s era perfectly. Keaton’s performance is unmatched, and the McDonald brothers were convincingly portrayed. A realistic depiction of events as they happened. I give it 85%. ()