
A Machete gyilkol a tervezett Machete-trilógia második része. A címszereplő Machete (Danny Trejo) egykori ügynököt az Egyesült Államok kormánya béreli fel, hogy levadásszon egy kartell vezért és megállítson egy fegyverkereskedőt (Mel Gibson), akik egy, a földet fenyegető halálos fegyver kilövését tervezik. (A Company Hungary)

Videók (10)

Előzetes 6

Recenziók (9)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Terribly stupid, but (again) unfortunately not in a funny way. That makes it even worse than the first film, which made me laugh a few times. This time all the bonus points were taken care of by Mel Gibson (Star Wars fan), but otherwise it’s a really terrible boring mess. And the third installment will most likely be the same thing, but with light machetes, clones... etc. Nevermind. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The first film was a nice parody, full of humor and irony, it was clear that the people behind it relaxed and enjoyed it. The sequel is more commercial, filled with celebrities without any potential for the given theme (so why recruit "serious actors" for a parody?). I could understand Steven Seagal in the first film, and it was okay, but not Mel Gibson. The female cast is very above average and also the only thing that can be praised. It's a jumble that lacks image, direction, and style. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol This is no longer grindhouse, this is Asylum :-( The first part three years ago was a perfect homage to American trashy movies from the 1970s and I had it in my TOP 10 of that year. But this is something else. Without any restraint, reason or knowledge of what a healthy dose is, so basically unwatchable. If a Mega Piranha fell from the sky and Danny Trejo bit its head off, nobody would be surprised. Too much Rodriguez. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol This was a pretty dull blade compared to the first Machete film, which, in hindsight, feels like a masterpiece next to this one. It’s missing that wild, over-the-top finale where the bad guy gets his guts blown to bits, and there's no over-the-top poolside action where Machete proves he's the ultimate badass by seducing both the enemy’s wife and daughter. This time around, Machete just didn’t go all out. Sure, there’s plenty of killing, but it never quite hits that epic level. I’m giving it three stars purely out of love for Machete—and I’m really hoping that when he heads to space, everyone loses their minds. Including critics, who won’t understand a single scene and will probably declare that the writer lost it while wrapping up this trilogy. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Machete is back and making fun of old Bond movies. The motivation of the main protagonist is basically the same as in the first movie, the same goes for the locations. Even Danny Trejo is the same. Rodriguez follows loosely on the first movie and prepares the ground for the grand finale that we see at the end. The array of stars is colorful, but the one that stands out the most is the schizo dictator Demián Bichir who is responsible for most of the twists in the movie. Mel Gibson rather strangely underplays his role of the megalomaniac bad guy and Carlos Estevez as President Rathcock goes down in history as one of the most capable presidents of the silver screen. The action keeps on coming, even though in places it’s a bit repetitive, but mainly it has the unmistakable atmosphere of total mayhem. Bring on the part three! ()

Galéria (106)