
Summer-packed crazy comedy, that is how the authors describe this feature called WesternStory. It brings back in the Czech theaters the popular western genre and the romance of the wild west. Low-hanging five-shooters, Stetson hats' rims deep in the forehead, cancan danced in smoke-filled saloons, and even legendary Vinnetou and Old Shatterhand will pitch in this movie debuting mid-May. The fact that it will be mostly fun is hinted by one of the main characters played by Petr Vondracek. His cowboy and the chief hotshot spends almost the whole movie with both arms in a cast. The Wild West Show phenomenon was launched by the legendary Buffalo Bill in 1883. The western town in Boskovice is brewing a wild-west show for the upcoming season, but the biggest star, sparky Presley, breaks both arms during the rehearsal. So a renowned Prague actor has to fill in for him. He is very quick to find out that throwing a tomahawk at full gallop is less fun than on the TV, as well as the fact that the whole ensemble and the town's citizens do not play western, they live western. And to top it off – a pure smile of the local beauty can make your head spin. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)


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az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I wouldn't exactly dismiss Westernstory. While it is true that the director admirably ignored almost every opportunity to create any kind of parody moment (for example, the arrival of a local at the train station was a quote from Once Upon a Time in the West), that the script is not very funny (and is otherwise rather sloppy), and that most of the actors are rather "actors", this film was a relaxing experience for me. I also liked the music and the charming Veronika Kubařová. It’s average, but harmless. ()

Malarkey Boo!

az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol It has never occurred to me that it was legal to make a movie, collect state subsidy for films and turn the whole thing into an ad for this incredibly lame Western town in Moravia. I felt very embarrassed for some of the actors as I was watching the film. It’s been a long time I saw something this shitty on TV. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I was only able to watch this annoying western shenanigan thanks to the very likeable Veronica Khek Kubarova. She was the only one of the cast who acted at least a little bit normal. (15%) ()

Galéria (41)