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  • Olaszország La ciociara (több)


Száz éve született Cesare Zavattini, író, forgatókönyvíró, képregények szerzője, lelkes és elhivatott ideológusa az olasz neorealizmus filmes forradalmának. Vittorio De Sicával igazi nyerő párost alkottak, együttműködésükből világsikerek születtek. Moravia nagyszerű regényét is ő fordította le a forgatókönyv nyelvére, neki is köszönhető, hogy a háború embertelensége elől menekülni próbáló Cesira és lánya története ma is felkavaró élményt jelent. (Örökmozgó)


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az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I saw Horalka on the same day as The Unbearable Lightness of Being, which offered me an amazing comparison when the famous Italian novel Italy and the famous Czech novel Američany were turned into films. Italy wins by a mile. I read the original work by Moravia and I can declare with a clear conscience that it is a credible and accurate film adaptation, albeit in a relatively condensed form, but that's just the way it goes with films and besides, Moravia plays quite a bit with descriptions in his book. Sophia Loren may yell a lot, but she convincingly played a cheerful saleswoman, a simple woman who fights like a lioness and protects her daughter. As for Belmondo, it's a perpetual shame that he "escaped" from artistically ambitious and quality films to movies like "The Man from Rio" and the like. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The role of Italy in World War II was very diffident, the regime was unpopular, the army ineffective, and the overall situation on the home front was gloomy. Italian war films therefore usually do not focus on military alliances and epic battles, but rather on the fate of civilians in the background, and Two Women does not deviate from this tradition. The story of a woman from Rome who, out of fear of bombings, sets off with her daughter to the countryside to stay with relatives follows the tradition of neorealist films of the 1950s and presents a great opportunity for Sophia Loren to showcase her acting skills. Paradoxically, it is she herself who prevents me from giving the film the highest rating. I do not underestimate her acting talent at all, but I just couldn't connect with her as an actress. The same applies, by the way, to other famous names of world cinema of that era, starting with Brigitte Bardot. Overall impression: 85%. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol There are not as many flagrant things in it anymore given the fact that it all takes place during the war. It doesn't falsify as many elements from the time of the production year - after all, the poor countryside doesn't invite so much to the exhibitions of the present. Nevertheless, Two Women is much more so a solo by Sophia on an arbitrary theme than anything else. Had Belmondo not later become a prominent actor, it would have been impossible to perceive anything besides Sophia. Let alone the ideas from Albert Moravia's book. Yet I'm certainly fascinated by the fact that even after 28 years Sophia played the same role in the remake. Unlike, for example, Gina, who has become a character a generation older in the new version of La romana. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Sophia Loren and Jean-Paul Belmondo have an interesting and strong chemistry that you might not expect from Belmondo in particular. But he was really such a great actor that he could handle similar roles with bravado. Ordinary people here are not as ordinary as they might seem, and even war isn't strong enough to kill even the slightest evil. ()

Galéria (25)