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  • Olaszország Habemus Papam (több)
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Nanni Moretti története egy kitalált pápaválasztást mesél el, mely tele van meglepő fordulatokkal. Az újonnan megválasztott pápa ugyanis megrémül a rá nehezedő tehertől és nem jelenik meg a Szent Péter téren a hívek előtt. A bíborosok pedig mindent megtesznek, hogy eltitkolják a problémát. (CirkoFilm)

Videók (2)

Előzetes 1

Recenziók (5)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol “I am an actor.” Popes also have their days. Moretti resisted the temptation to approach this look behind the scenes of today’s most powerful institution as a farce to which nothing is sacred, instead preferring a funny group-therapy session without any clear winners or losers (the biggest difference from the generally similar The King’s Speech). The film moves forward at the speed of the popemobile, leaving enough time and space for a detailed depiction of a man with a parental deficit and the problem of accepting his new role. Filmed and acted in all seriousness, this drama about one man (no jokes based on the confrontation of His Holiness with the world of unbelievers) is interspersed with satirical swipes at the functioning of the enclosed microcosm of the faith factory. Moretti doesn’t say “this way yes, this way no”, nor does he defend his psychoanalysis; rather, he just holds up questions that are traditionally answered with unwavering certainty to the gaze of a doubter (not an outright sceptic). Neither God nor Freud is certain, so do what you can to help yourself. 75% ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I would have never expected that a film where the protagonists are old Cardinals lead by a newly elected Pope could be so much fun. A very big surprise from Italy that made me laugh more than once, I never got bored and I loved the ending. Less precise than The King’s Speech, but bolder and more progressive. Thumbs up. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol This film is one of those effortless, mildly amusing movies that don't captivate you with the plot as much as with the setting. However, compared to series like The Young Pope, which delves into the patriarchal themes of the modern Vatican with much more critical depth, this movie feels much more restrained. It's almost as if it was made not to ruffle any feathers in the Vatican, despite the fact that it still faced criticism. The volleyball scene, for instance, is fantastic. The film takes a more human perspective on the conclave and the events that follow, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol For the first 15 minutes there was slight distrust about what this kind dive into the coclave's life was supposed to be, then dozens of minutes of great fun, and finally a slap in the face in the form of a completely brilliant ending. The best thing about We Have a Pope is Moretti's self-reflection and messing with audience expectations - the film creates a number of banal situations that lead to clichés, but Moretti always avoids them at the right moment and turns in an unexpected direction. The ending is the pinnacle of this chain of disappointed expectations, and it clearly suggests that We Have a Pope is not a warm comedy, but a film that is caustic and skeptical. It seems that neither God nor Freud can save us anymore. In Egon Bondy's words: everything's fucked, on weekdays and on Sundays. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The election of a pope is a very crucial matter for the entire Christian world. He is the highest authority, and although he is just an old man in funny clothes for atheists, for Christians, he is an absolute authority whose inauguration is literally a ceremony. Cardinals elect a new pope, and it is truly a suspenseful election, although we know about it more indirectly than being able to form an opinion about the candidates ourselves. But actually, it's not that important. What is important is that the pope is truly elected. However, when asked if he accepts his election, he hesitates. After a while, it seems like nothing is happening because the new pope agrees. Thus, there can be a solemn proclamation "Habemus papam!" on the balcony of St. Peter's Cathedral, where impatient believers are already waiting. The cheering is overwhelming, perhaps even more so than the chanting at football matches in the Italian highest league. However, the newly elected pope does not appear on the balcony. He escapes from the others, and experts need to be called in. The pope hesitates. He is unable to step forward in front of the believers and tell them that he is their new leader. Of course, after the Holy Trinity. It even goes so far that he runs away from his room and gets among the people. Out into the real world, where he contemplates his fate and what he should do next. I liked the movie because it reveals the destiny of a man who is actually quite ordinary at first glance. The character, who is put on a divine pedestal, is also just a human being, capable of hesitation. He too has psychological problems, suffers from uncertainty and fear. The film is comical at times, but it remains essentially a chamber story about someone who is one of us, although he thinks so only himself. More: ()

Galéria (46)