
Based on the real-life kidnapping of Baron Édouard-Jean Empain in 1978, Rapt follows the downfall of wealthy entrepreneur Stanislas Graff (Yvan Attal). Kidnapped, beaten and held for ransom, Graff slowly deteriorates while he waits for his wife and colleagues to pay the enormous sum. On the outside, however, his reputation as a respectable business and family man collapses as the press digs up his shocking double life, threatening not only his marriage, but his survival. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)


Recenziók (1)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Interesting and unconventional thriller, which actually stops being a thriller after about half an hour. It turns into a psychological drama that explores whether a powerful, unscrupulous person will be changed by a traumatic situation in which his life is at stake. And the director did a great job with this drama. Yvan Attal delivers a flawless performance, complemented excellently by Anne Consigny and Francoise Fabian in the roles of wife and mother. ()

Galéria (22)