Don't Move

Rövid / Horror
Egyesült Királyság, 2013, 14 perc


Set on one fateful night, six friends gather for their monthly 'games night'... and accidentally unleash a demonic force that might tear them - and their friendships - to pieces. (iShorts)

Recenziók (3)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol After a rather jumbled beginning, where, instead of an introduction, we are put right in the middle of the plot, the film actually developed quite decently, with interesting idea, were people can't move so that the demon won't notice them. The monster has nice make-up effects, the gore is nice and the visuals are colourful. You could make a feature film with this idea. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol He who moves will not survive. I have to say WOW! in terms of the special effects because that last effect is absolutely flawless, realistic, believable, and incredibly depressing. The film has a story and an oppressive atmosphere. This is definitely a short horror film that resonated with me and I also appreciate its execution. I wish filmmakers like that always had enough money and skills at their disposal. ()