Trónok harca - Série 7

Előzetes 1
Egyesült Államok / Egyesült Királyság, 2017, 7 h 10 perc (Percek: 56–80 perc)


George R.R. Martin (könyv)


David Benioff, D.B. Weiss


Ramin Djawadi


Alfie Allen, Jacob Anderson, Pilou Asbæk, Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson, John Bradley, Jim Broadbent, Keisha Castle-Hughes, Gwendoline Christie (több)
(további alkotók)

Streaming (1)



Westeros nagyhatalmú családjai, a Lannister, Targaryen, Baratheon, Stark és a Tyrell küllők a történelem forgó kerekében. Néha ez van fölül, és kerül hatalomra, néha meg amaz, és eltapos mindenkit, aki az útjában van. De valójában ugyanaz a sors vár mindannyiukra. A nagy háborúban minden család megmérettetik, és kiderül, mi van számukra a sors könyvében megírva. És a nagy háború ideje elérkezett! (HBO Europe)


Videók (10)

Előzetes 1

Recenziók (4)


az összes felhasználói recenzió (ehhez a tévésorozathoz)

angol Season seven is a slight evolutionary correction from the previous parts. It's hard to say whether it’s due to the change of scriptwriter or to the shortening by three episodes, but either way, the change is significant. Firstly, in terms of the shifting and speed of the plot, and secondly, the incredibly leaps and bounds of the main characters from location A to location B. With a bit of exaggeration, it could be said that everyone has dragons, or uses them instead of vehicles. But even this flaw doesn't detract from the creative appeal and the fact that no matter what happens, the viewer's willingness to tolerate it just to see how the living vs. the dead fight will turn out is immeasurable. Especially after those last few minutes of the last episode, which deals out impressive cards for the next season, which once again is something to look forward to. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió (ehhez a tévésorozathoz)

angol One of the best seasons. There were weaker episodes, 1 and 5, but 4, 6 and 7 are among the best Game of Thrones has ever offered. The twists, the intrigue, the action and the visuals are all cranked up to maximum. Seeing all the best characters standing side by side is heartwarming. 100% ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió (ehhez a tévésorozathoz)

angol I’m ashamed to admit that I was hoping for improvement after the previous season. Mea culpa. It really puzzles me why House Greyjoy doesn't rule Westeros when it is clearly the most numerous. Even though Yara and Theon sail away with a hundred ships, Euron's fleet fills the entire horizon, plus his ships sail around the continent at such a speed that Euron must have seen himself from behind several times. Only Daenerys' dragons can match that kind of speed, except they’re flying, so.. I didn't understand what happened to Littlefinger's brain (Alzheimer's? Dementia?) because his scheming got really lame and transparent, which is a shame. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió (ehhez a tévésorozathoz)

angol It's hard to say if I'm more upset by how it looks down to and goes against its own rules (teleportation, untouchable heroes), logic. It lapses into to unrealistically cheap solutions and it has absolutely lost any previous consistency of character behavior (this applies to everyone, but especially to Tyrion and Malíček) or if I'm excited about how high-quality straightforward second-rate generic high fantasy came out of it. I have a purely ambivalent relationship to this series. On the one hand, I despise it with regard to how it ruins everything what was dutifully built over six seasons (I prefer not to mention the original altogether, but one is already reconciled with it for couple of seasons), on the other hand, I enjoy it very much for its epicness, battles, fire dragons, action, catch-phrases and a roaring soundtrack like no other. Yes, it certainly seems like the whole script team had to act as extras for those crowded scenes instead of writing the script (and they did not return to their work until the final episode), but I would be lying if I didn't admit that I enjoyed it. Although for completely (but COMPLETELY) different reasons than before, but I liked it. That´s true. ()

Galéria (450)