


A typical day on the slopes turns into a chilling nightmare for three snowboarders when they get stranded on the chairlift before their last run. As the ski patrol switches off the night lights, they realize with growing panic that they've been left behind, dangling high off the ground with no way down. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)

Videók (1)


Recenziók (7)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Egy kamaszos egzisztenciális túlélési dráma, amely nem olyan buta vagy B-kategóriás, mint amire számítanál. Szofisztikált forgatókönyv nélkül, két négyzetméteren képes lenyűgözni és magával ragadni. Mert hihető, a szereplők jellemábrázolása természetes, viselkedésük reális, és a feszültséggel teli jelenetek (az egyik valóban elég kegyetlen) tálalása jó egyensúlyban van a párbeszédes jelenetekkel. Azért adok négy csillagot, mert jó érzés támogatni egy kis, szerény filmet, amely megérdemli. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol An intense survival drama. The premise of a trio of skiers trapped in a funicular describes the entire film, leaving hardly any room for storytelling tricks. With less likeable characters, Frozen could easily be very bad, but fortunately, the casting of the main trio is excellent. Their efforts to save themselves do not cause any intellectual outrage (though I’ve actually read the opposite) and the dialogues move between the bearable and the entertaining, I’m satisfied. 7/10 ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Frozen for adults without Elsa and Anna. I don't seek out winter fun, so luckily I can't get into a similar situation. | Still, I was trembling with fear for their lives along with the main trio. I don't like movies with a minimal number of actors, unless it's a film adaptation of a play, but in this case I wasn't bored, so I didn't mind. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Lots of solid characters and an impressive starting point. Well-combined perspective changes. A very nice scene where the characters look away from the brutal scene below them and the camera only captures their faces, with the only clue to what's going on below being the disgusting sound. Someone was thinking here. Towards the end it is a little too long, but in this rank it is a well-built and well-shot intimate film. Yeah... but they could have at least used CGI for the steam from their mouths. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Frozen is full of clichés from head to toe and is a generic American survival film about three young people who are stuck in the middle of a ski slope on a cable car. There's like three floors of open space below them and hungry wolves decide to make a picnic out of the unfortunates. I felt a certain amount of untapped potential, which is a shame, because even though I believed everything and sympathized with the characters in their plight, I still think more could have been wrung out of it. In the end, it's a slightly predictable thriller with a likeable leading trio that thankfully doesn't fade from your mind during the closing credits. ()

Galéria (9)