
Fascinated by actresses, Robert is undoubtedly the clingiest fan in French cinema. A handling agent by night in a large artistic agency, he devotes his days to "his" stars, whom he follows relentlessly, not hesitating to interfere in their lives. Working together on the same film set, his three favourite actresses discover one day that they have the same problem...with the same fan. They thus decide to join forces and settle their score with him: they were his idols, but they become his worst nightmare! (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)


Recenziók (1)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I have long wanted to see this film. I was not deterred even by the simple statement of a salesman at my favorite DVD store on Rue Mouffetard that the film is absolutely "zero". And today, unfortunately, I have to give him almost complete credit. It's quite a stupid thing, which even though it's embarrassing, is at least partially cute. And I just like to watch Kada, Emmanuelle, and Mélanie. Unfortunately, I saw it in Czech dubbing, which is on the contrary another level down with the experience. Better two stars. ()

Galéria (34)