
Victor tele van túlfűtött szexualitással. Éjjel-nappal hajtja a nőket, mindegy, hogy kit visz ágyba, csak a pillanatnyi beteljesülés érdekli. Azért az ő szíve sincs kőből, egy csinos orvosnő ejtette rabul. Ráadásul nem is akármilyen, Dr. Paige Marshall a férfi halálos beteg édesanyjának kezelőorvosa. Mivel az orvosi költségek egyre növekednek, Victor sajátos pénzszerzési módszert dolgoz ki. Minden este mással randevúzik, majd a vacsora közben félrenyeli az ételt az étteremben. Miután megmentik a "fuldoklót", különböző pénzösszegeket csal ki tőlük... (SuperTV2)


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az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Even if I didn't know the author of the book, I would figure out while watching the film that it had to be written by the same person who wrote "Fight Club." The provocation and the effort to mystify us are very similar. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about the director's position because Gregg is two levels weaker than Nolan, and it is very noticeable in the film. Choke doesn't have nearly the same atmosphere as Fight Club, and you can't admire the director's finesse. It works more based on lines, jokes, provocations, and sexual innuendos in a puritanical American environment. While Fight Club deals with the phenomenon of violence, Choke deals with human sexuality. It's actually similar to Zack and Miri Make a Porno, in a very unconventional setting and with very atypical characters. If you found Fight Club too controversial, then avoid Choke because the added artistic value doesn't work here. I did have a good time with it, even though it wasn't a great intellectual experience. Simply a comedic escapade. Overall impression: 70%. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol It started off like your typical, breezy American comedy, so I was mentally prepared for cringe jokes and a plot I could see coming from a mile away. But the outcome was nothing like what I expected. While it didn't hit the "amazing" mark, this movie landed some laughs because the humor was spot-on. The creators even managed to weave in some drama, turning what I thought was just another simple comedy into something with a deeper level. I'm a fan of Sam Rockwell, and my current rewatch of Community definitely added to the enjoyment, especially with Gillian Jacobs playing a role. And let's not forget the invaluable contribution to skin cancer prevention — thanks to a simple piece of advice, many blondes can significantly boost their defenses against this sneaky disease. In the end, what I anticipated as a laid-back comedy turned out to have depth, proving I jumped the gun in my judgment. I acknowledge my mistake by awarding four stars. / Lesson learned: Don't let your past hold you back. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A kinky drama with lots of sexual innuendo with the once again awesome Sam Rockwell, who is addicted to sex. I had a few good laughs and there is an interesting twist, so the film is definitely worth recommending. I'll give it a better three stars, as I found the film slightly out of breath in the second half. 65% ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Untapped potential is not the right expression, but it’s the first that comes to mind. This adaptation doesn't particularly disgrace the book, but it's just a crude illustration of the source material. And I don't like that, a little inventiveness wouldn't hurt. ()

Galéria (50)