Harry Potter és a Halál ereklyéi II. rész

  • Egyesült Királyság Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (több)
Előzetes 1
Kaland / Dráma / Családi / Fantasy
Egyesült Királyság / Egyesült Államok, 2011, 125 perc


David Yates


J. K. Rowling (könyv)


Steve Kloves


Eduardo Serra


Alexandre Desplat


Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, Helena Bonham Carter, Bonnie Wright, Maggie Smith, Evanna Lynch, Robbie Coltrane, Alan Rickman (több)
(további alkotók)


Nincs tovább: Harry, Ron és Hermione immár nem kerülheti el a végső összecsapást. Mindannyian tudják, hogy ez az utolsó felvonás. A három jó barát visszatér a Roxfortba, hogy felkutassa és elpusztítsa az utolsó horcruxot. Voldemort, aki egyre erősebb, uralma alá vonta a Mágiaügyi Minisztériumot és már Roxfort fölött is egyre nagyobb hatalma van, tudomást szerez a tervükről. A tét hatalmas, így nem is csoda, hogy mindent bevet a siker érdekében. Megkezdődik a Roxfort ostroma - és már soha többé, semmi nem lesz ugyanolyan, mint volt. (InterCom)


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Előzetes 1

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az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol And I will allow myself to give those five stars. In the end, after those long ten years, I was more or less satisfied with it. It took time, I went through it during the same youth, I grew old with the actors, experienced personal experiences and adventures, happiness and troubles. But as soon as a new part of Harry Potter appeared on the scene, I didn't hesitate, and immediately ran after it with my friend, the cinema. He prepared everything for me, all I had to do was sit down. I read the books before the movies, so I already knew what to expect from each film. I was already so fed up that the characters spoke to me in my head while reading, just like they were dubbed here, and I simply lived it all from time to time. I also got excited when Harry recently arrived at the cinema... for the last time. After watching, I immediately realized that not only the movie itself was ending, but also a piece of my youth, which I could curse, but also return to it. When I return, one of the facts will be because of Potter. It's true, every generation has something and ours was not deprived either. As for the movie... it couldn't have been screwed up. If, by some chance, it did, the creators would probably have lost their balls and stuffed them under the coat of brain eaters. But the creators couldn't afford it. That's why I expected a huge battle, and that's what I got. There were plenty of enemies and it was epic like crazy. Humor was not missing, Ron traditionally didn't speak much, and when he did, it was a clear line, everyone in the story had their order and it should be the same in a good book. Now I'm just thinking about what to look forward to in the future. There's not much left from the past. First Star Wars and then Harry Potter with Lord of the Rings. Everything is finished and I doubt that in my current life I will encounter something with more parts that can captivate me like Harry Potter did. I won't have the childhood, the time, or the thoughts for it. Nevertheless, I'm still enjoying it now. Harry Potter is still echoing... I might go and read the books again and reminisce. Now with complete dubbing in my head and the imaginary world of Hogwarts, which I no longer have to imagine, I just have to remember. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol About until half way through (somewhere after conjuring up the barrier) I have no objections. However, thereafter, instead of gradually climaxing the eighteen hours spanning ten years, it chops it up into a series of a few dozen moments. Each of them is great, often atmospheric too, and frequently gripping and ingenious, but put all together they don’t give the impression of a unified story heading toward one goal. It chops it up more and more until it turns into something that, despite being impressive and entertaining, is an epically cold popcorn picture. The only emotions are provoked only by (again the genius of) Desplat. And that is a bit too little. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Oh My Granger! What makes Deathly Hallows into a magical finale amplifies the film adaptations to their highest bearable level, turns Neville into a well-deserved stud, gives the best scene of the saga to the Prince's story, and makes David Yates one of the best directors I know. At a moment when this wizarding world concludes for all viewers, there remains a barely controllable desire to see and read it all again. Simply put, it leaves a heavily euphoric experience after the end of the film, a clear one hundred percent spectacle and probably the best movie installment of the entire Hogwarts series. Some experiences are immortal even as they are taking place. Thank you for letting me be a part of it. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Better than the previous film, but if the result of a long wait for something is just this pace-weary and conversationally ridiculous ending, I'm not accepting it. The last Harry Potter is dark mainly because in 3D there is sometimes nothing to see. I am not a reader of the saga, so cheap nostalgia does not apply to me, and I calmly enjoy non-originality, non-ingenuity and a nice-looking, but routine design. The Harry Potter saga remains for me, even after the "grand finale", an overpriced audiovisual illustration of a book series that, after Cuarón's departure, has lost any lasting overlap in my heart space. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Harry Potter is a monotonous and long-winded franchise that reached its premature peak in the third part, Cuaron’s The Prisoner Of Azkaban, which isn’t at all surprising. The first four books can be considered standalone stories, each with its own specific plot arc (the search for the philosophers’ stone, the legend of the chamber of secrets, the danger of a fugitive prisoner, the tournament of schools of wizardry), while the remaining three are a overly long storytelling mess about the “final confrontation of good versus evil”. Add to this the fact that the third part was the only one in charge of a director whose ambitions could be said were higher than only bringing to the screen an unoriginal adaptation of a book, and the shortcomings of the entire saga are clear. Evidently, this will be enough for some of the hardcore fans, nothing against that, but it’s funny to observe how some of them give priority to (and also reject) a different episode. This could be taken as proof of the diversity of the episodes, but to me it’s actually proof of the inconsistency of the saga as a whole – basically, it only depends on which film each fan prefers. But now briefly about Deathly Hallows: Part 2 itself (because it doesn’t warrant a long comment). I can take bland performances in summer blockbusters, I can take a concise and episodic script, but that the mood among the people of Hoghwarts after the longed for defeat of the Lord of Evil (which everyone had been waiting for X years) would be as if their team had ended third out of four in a big tournament, and that major characters would die out of frame as if by the way, without a hint of emotion... THAT’S QUITE SOMETHING! Yeah, and the epilogue is just as stupid as Rowling wrote it, so the film doesn’t deserve any bitching for that :-D ()

Galéria (259)

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