
Különös baleset éri az esküvőjére készülő lányt. Susan nyakába esik az űrbéli trutyi, melynek hatására tizenöt méteresre nő. A katonaság elfogja, és a titkos bázisra viszik, ahol különféle szörnyeket őriznek. A Drabáliának elkeresztelt Susan mellett itt vigyáznak a rovarfejű zsenire, Dr. Csótányra, a félmajom-félhal Hiányzó Láncszemre, a zselés és elpusztíthatatlan B.O.B.-ra és Rovaroszauruszra, a száz méter hosszú lárvára. Hamarosan egy idegen robot landol a Földön. Miközben a világ a pusztulás szélére sodródik, az elnök parancsot ad, hogy a szörnyeket vessék be az űrlények ellen. (UIP-Duna Film)


Videók (4)

Előzetes 1

Recenziók (10)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A fun cartoon, full of references to old sci-fi movies of the 1950s. The story is a mixture of various crackpot ideas (typical examples of this are the heroic president and his keyboard, red buttons and the wonderful B.O.B.) and how a daydreaming girl becomes a woman. The invasion of aliens is really just a catalyst for the events that follow. What annoys me is that in the movie theatre I was robbed of the original voices (Bauer and House M.D. in a movie together!) and even though the Czech dubbing was pretty well-done, I look forward to watching it on DVD in English. E.T. GO HOME! ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The ultimate blast! Instead of the tired self-awareness stories, the creators of Shrek came up with an action-packed blockbuster that's bursting with references (I was screaming with laughter at the keyboard!), great humor, and a punishingly huge barrage of catchphrases. It’s ninety-four minutes of undiluted entertainment that will be appreciated especially by the older folks (those who enjoy the aesthetics of 1950s monster movies will snort with delight). Cartoon of the year, no question about it! ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol For all the tripping up, dancing around and hitting of heads with a imaginable things, they forgot about... Well, about everything, in fact. All hail the exceptions in the form of the original dubbing, what was written on the rocket and those few good nods to the monster/UFO B-movies of the fifties. ()

Zíza Boo!

az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I really can't help it... it was making me feel slowly nauseous. I don't understand how, it's never happened to me before, but this one disgusted me so much that as much as I hate to give a garbage rating, this deserves nothing less from me. I'm really sorry, but the boredom and disgust this film stirred up in me is just unforgivable. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A pleasant, animated blockbuster that parodies a large group of American sci-fi and horror film productions. It is not as strong in terms of plot as it is with a series of catchphrases, a likable team of heroes, and a villainous antagonist. Overall impression: 70%. One of those movies that will please children and not offend adults. ()

Galéria (84)