Valentin nap

Előzetes 1


Valentin-nap a szerelmesek ünnepe, ám ez a nap sem mentes a feszült pillanatoktól, fordulópontoktól. Új kapcsolatok születnek, és régiek érnek véget, egy már véget ért kapcsolat elejtett fonalát épp ma veszik fel. Szerelmek, szakítások, újrakezdések. Morley (Jessica Alba), Liz (Anne Hathaway), Reed (Ashton Kutcher), Holden (Bradley Cooper), Kara (Jessica Biel), Kate (Julia Roberts) és a többiek a szerelem csapdájába estek, és nem tudják, hogyan másszanak ki belőle. (InterCom)


Videók (21)

Előzetes 1

Recenziók (5)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol So many stars together, wow. It's a fact that I couldn't get into it at first and got slightly caught up in the plot. Fortunately though, I knew the strong majority of the cast so I got my bearings after a while. The ones I liked the most here were Ashton Kutcher and Jennifer Garner. The rest of the cast was also classy, but didn't particularly surprise me. The movie reminded me slightly of Love Actually and He’s Just Not That Into You...a little bit of everything. Only there were a few silly scenes... SPOILER ALERT!!! (for example: When A. Kutcher convinces the airport employee to sell him a plane ticket. He flatly refuses. Ashton says that the woman he wants to marry is like sunshine and suddenly the airport employee gives Kutcher the ticket, for free). ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The American attempt at Love Actually failed, of course, but everyone knew that, because Love Actually is an absolute icon of romantic films. But I'm not going to condemn Valentine's Day and throw it into the cesspool of failed films. I liked it. An absolutely stellar and almost completely brilliant cast. The storylines felt pretty unstable at the beginning and the film as a whole seemed to fall apart. And suddenly... BOOM!!! It started to work and the stories started to fit together like puzzle pieces. Ironically, I found Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift to be the most awkward couple, but I laughed (shame on me ...) a lot during their acting and thought how stupid that girl was. I mustn't forget the soundtrack, which was great to second the scenes. In short, Valentine's Day will never be a great hit of its genre or even an icon, but I was quite taken with it, relaxed and laughed ... and that's the main thing for me, so 4* (75%). ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Unfortunately, it's classic Garry Marshall from his later years of filmmaking. He emphasized having a lot of stars appear in the film, and Hector Elizondo, but the stories themselves are just geared towards having that classic happy ending and being pleasing. There is nothing that surprises, nothing that stands out, and nothing that really catches the eye. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol As I already wrote in the Midnight Kiss, this movie, even its title invites you to watch it alongside someone you love, and since it is a quite successful intertwining of stories in the style of Love Actually, I do not hesitate to give it the highest rating. From the actors, I want to highlight Ashton Kutcher, Anne Hathaway, and Jamie Foxx. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Valentine's Day begins in an excited and joyful spirit, everyone is looking forward to the evening, waking up next to their loves and enjoying the Day of Love. The positive introduction really gets everyone in a great mood, but as various storylines begin to complicate or clarify, the pace starts to drag considerably. The ones who did not lag are the high school students (especially Taylor Swift, who was still pleasantly surprising in her prime) and the senior citizens, who elegantly headed towards an old-fashioned conclusion. However, among the adults in productive age and at the center of the action, things occasionally drag considerably. Whether it's the incomprehensible Jessica Alba, the overacting Jessica Biel, or the confused Jennifer Garner (I know that romantic comedies are also about hyperbole, but all of this cannot happen in just one day, even with that hyperbole). Those who gain points are, of course, the radiant Eric Dane, the charmingly unobtrusive Julia Roberts, or Patrick "McLiar" Dempsey. Perhaps it's a pity that Valentine's Day, after considering all the pros and cons, ultimately became a clear average. If the movie had ended in disaster, I could consider it a mistake. This way, considering the high expectations, it is just a huge disappointment. ()

Galéria (134)