Jövőre veled ugyanitt

  • Egyesült Államok Same Time, Next Year
Egyesült Államok, 1978, 114 perc


Robert Mulligan


Bernard Slade, Bernard Slade (színdarab)


Robert Surtees


Marvin Hamlisch
(további alkotók)


Doris 24 éves, boldog házasságban élő asszony, a kaliforniai Oakland-ből. George 27 éves, nős könyvelő, New Jersey-ből. A férfi és a nő véletlenül fut össze egy kaliforniai tengerparti fogadóban, ahova Doris egy vallási közösséggel, míg George egy üzleti partnerével érkezik. Találkozásuk másnapján pedig arra ébrednek, hogy egymás karjaiban töltötték az éjszakát. Mindkettejükkel először fordult ez elő, ám ettől a pillanattól fogva nem utoljára. Különös szerelmi kapcsolat kezdődik kettejük között, melynek lényege, hogy évente egyszer ugyanabban az időpontban, ugyanott egy kellemes hétvégét töltenek együtt, s azután mindketten mennek a dolgukra. De vajon meddig mehet ez így? (TV2)


Recenziók (4)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A film with the qualities of a cheap TV production, but with great performances by the stars. A man and his lover always meet at the same time every year to share their experiences and air their emotional grievances. A funny script, polished dialogue, and it's nice to see Alan Alda in something other than M.A.S.H. He didn’t have that many opportunities in films. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Alan Alda was the one who lured me to this film. I’ve never spent more time with anyone else on TV than him. Well, I was surprised. Even though I was expecting a traditional verbal shootout, which Alan does with absolute precision. But I liked it not only because of it, I liked it especially because of its idea, which is absolutely brilliant, happy, sad, joyful and melancholic at the same time. A film full of as many emotions as one can expect from life. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A beautiful film that could move a piece of stone. Alan Alda and Ellen Burstyn are some of the most sympathetic infidels the screen has ever seen (Jack Lemmon and Shirley MacLaine from The Apartment or George Segal and Glenda Jackson in A Touch of Class are in this select company), and the viewer really feels like he's spent all this time with them. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The film definitely cannot deny its theatrical roots. It has a significant TV film dimension, whether it is the fact that dialogues carry it from the beginning to the end, or the poor set design and static nature of the plot, which takes place practically entirely in one recreational cottage. Paradoxically, the film was somewhat hurt in my eyes by the fact that I had seen the play and the theatrical performance set a high bar for me, which surprisingly the well-known American actors failed to overcome... The idea of showing the transformations of society and modern American history through regular meetings of two lovers is good, but the comedic and dramatic potential was certainly greater, and in the second half of the film, more and more sentimentality creeps into it. Overall impression: 40%. ()

Galéria (29)