Királyok királya

  • Egyesült Államok The King of Kings
Egyesült Államok, 1927, 112 perc


Cecil B. DeMille


J. Peverell Marley


Hugo Riesenfeld


H.B. Warner, Dorothy Cumming, Ernest Torrence, Joseph Schildkraut, Robert Edeson, Joseph Striker, Sidney D'Albrook, Charles Belcher, Jacqueline Logan (több)
(további alkotók)


Jézus nyilvános szereplés��nek utolsó három évét mutatja be. A feliratok bibliai idézeteket tartalmaznak. A hatalmas tömegjelenetek illetve a feltámadás és a mennybemenetel hitelesnek ható trükkfelvételei igen nagyhatásúak. Néhány képsort DeMille színesben forgatott. (Örökmozgó)

Videók (1)


Recenziók (1)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol This is Cecil's great film on the life of Jesus Christ. What could be more logical in his parade of biblical themes? We have already seen The Ten Commandments and Adam's Rib. In sound film from around the year zero, he liked the theme of The Sign of the Cross and Cleopatra, and in an arc through Samson and Delilah, he came again to the Ten Commandments. Unfortunately, he chose only a fraction of the attractions for the showcase of the King of Kings' life deeds - for example, the original character of Mary Magdalene, filmed in color. Two-band Technicolor is nice, but intertitles composed mostly with quotations from the Gospels are really an experience only for the advanced. Thus, all the black-and-white material only acts as an illustration of what is known and given beforehand. And every glimpse of a color sequence is absolute bliss and an escape from lethargy. ()

Galéria (27)