Az acélember

  • Egyesült Államok Man of Steel (több)
Előzetes 12
Egyesült Államok / Kanada / Egyesült Királyság, 2013, 143 perc


A kis Clark egy egyszerű farmer házaspár, Martha és Jonathan Kent gyermeke. Egy napon ráébred arra, hogy rendkívüli adottságokkal rendelkezik, és olyasmikre képes, amire egyik barátja, sőt egyetlen földi halandó sem. Ifjúvá serdülve Clark eltökéli, hogy kideríti, honnan származnak a képességei, és mi célból jött a világra, mi a küldetése. Ekkor még nem sejti, hogy múltja a csillagok közé repíti, és a sorsa az, hogy megmentse a Földet. Acélemberként az emberiség reményének szimbólumává válik. (InterCom)


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Előzetes 12

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az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Ha Manhattanben több felhőkarcoló lenne, három órát venne igénybe. Egy megafilm, amely átüti, kifullasztja és kifüstöli minden hibáját a közönség örömére és ámulatára. Egyszerre költői és epikus, olykor bensőségesen érzékeny, máskor fetisisztikusan romboló kolosszus, amely szembe megy saját magával, amikor a túldigitalizált felhőkarcolós finálé előtt megöli a két világ addig oly gondosan felépített végzetes összecsapásának törékeny, realista érzését. De lehet-e nem szeretni egy olyan filmet, amelyben Russell Crowe és Kevin Costner a főszereplő apja? Ehhez jönnek még a szimpatikus Cavil és a Michael Shannon vezette, az emberi faj felett erősen álló és erős gonosztevők, a tökéletes jelmezeik, az űrhajók Giger-vaginális enteriőrjei és Hans Zimmer zenei robbanása, amitől úgy elalszol, mint öt Redbull után. Személy szerint én is elégedett voltam a Krypton találóan átdolgozott mitológiájával, és a rosszul kiválasztott Lois Lane által okozott csalódást a jövevény Antje Traue szexi sisakkal hozta rendbe. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Donner’s original Superman was open to New Testament interpretations, so it is not surprising that Snyder didn’t hesitate to use the budget for Man of Steel to make a modern Biblical epic. The apocalyptic climax, which evokes the feeling that two ideologies have clashed and the whole world is facing destruction, is merely the inevitable spectacular culmination of an epic story that follows the successive inceptions of Kal-El, Clark Kent and Superman. The other two narrative units are deliberately “broken up” by numerous flashbacks (like the whole Watchmen film), which hold our attention by clarifying new facts and aiding character development (at least for our basic orientation in space and time, we have to keep in mind from where we have jumped back to the past). In addition to rhythmising the narrative, the flashbacks also help to exploit the storytelling potential of the supporting characters, who are not entirely overshadowed by the main protagonist thanks to comprehensible parallels (Lois cannot write the truth about Superman; Superman cannot boast about his abilities). Lois Lane, who represents an unusually strong female protagonist (not only in the comic-book adaptations), undergoes the most significant change. Though she does let herself be led by a man (or the voice of God?) in the film’s least spectacular (and, in my opinion, best) action scene, she otherwise definitely does not just dully wait around to see what will happen to her and who will rescue her, and thanks to what she knows, here presence is even a necessary condition for good to triumph over evil. Man of Steel doesn’t say much that’s new (only the concept of Krypton – which incidentally resembles the art of H.R. Giger – as an “ideal” Platonic society, which Superman, as an “American hero”, ultimately rejects in favour of American democracy, is elaborated upon to some extent), but at least it gathers together and distributes old information in an original way. Like Batman Begins and Skyfall, Man of Steel goes back the roots of a heroic myth, while at the same time attempting to confront it with reality, of course within the realm of possibility that the genre offers. Besides the pseudo-realistic indie style of the directing, this is apparent particularly in the loss of the previous films’ sense of levity. Of course, Superman is still a guy who can fly and lift a school bus, but now he has to flex all of his muscles, grit his teeth and work up a proper sweat. Thanks to the fact that the film’s air of ancient tragedy is actually believable, Cavill’s strained expression during the difficult physical performances is not unintentionally funny. Thanks to its actors, the emotions that it evokes and especially the pathos of which it is not ashamed, Man of Steel is, in my opinion, the blockbuster highlight of the year so far, as it superbly finds a balance between the silliness of Iron Man and the nerds of Star Trek with its heartfelt earnestness. 85% ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I have to admit that the Man of Steel made me quite happy. At a time where every other franchise gets a restart, I would expect anything from this film except for proper filmmaking craft. Although, in the end, it is pretty logical – what else should they use to interest the audience, if not a quality camera, action and great shots, right? However, there is always a but. In this movie it is the story, which was sometimes difficult to handle. While Henry Cavill is a good Superman, I can’t help it, but his transformation into Superman took a hell of a long time. For example, I was really angered by the fact that he takes flight for the first time only after half of the movie. The creators did not explain a lot of things and simply stretched the script as they deemed fit. Well, okay, I enjoyed the film as a whole, but I won’t necessarily watch its second instalment as well. It doesn’t change the fact that there has been too many of these movies recently. Unnecessarily too many. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Man of Steel doesn’t follow the path of Whedon’s Avengers or Nolan’s Batman, it goes its own way with a tone that is very different from other major comic book films in recent years. I can’t express in words how much I liked it. It has an incredible pace, spectacular action scenes, perfect casting and even pretty interesting storytelling. The only thing that disappointed me is that it’s not at least an hour longer so there wouldn’t be so many plot jumps, which would slow down the intergalactic pace, but also would allow time to get deeper under the characters’ skin. Regardless, Man of Steel is hands down the best blockbuster of the year (proof of which are also the mixed responses – exceptional films never satisfy everyone), it’s far better than the third Iron Man and the second Star Trek… and though this afternoon I was still convinced that the “biggest” film of the year would be Pacific Rim, now I’m not so sure. Nothing will prepare you for this level of >super< action. Zack Snyder has my admiration and with this movie, he’s probably the best action director alive. 10/10, I hadn’t left the cinema so happy in a very long time. PS: Hans Zimmer also hits all the spots with his soundtrack. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol All pleasant memories of this film in the future will only be connected with the first half, when Clark is finding his place in the world, discovering his abilities and some emotions are thrown in. The rest of the runtime can be described in two words: Digital mess. Nevertheless, Henry Cavill is a likeable guy and the real Superman, I wouldn't be opposed to a more sober sequel with him. The potential is there. ()

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