
David (Hayden Christensen) fulladás közben fedezi fel, hogy különleges képességgel rendelkezik. Ő Vándor, aki képes egyetlen pillanat alatt bárhová eljutni a Földön. Vágyainak semmi sem szab gátat, bármilyen falon vagy biztonsági rendszeren át tud hatolni. Ám egy nap rájön, hogy vadásznak rá, ráadásul természetfeletti adottságával nincs egyedül. Cox (Samuel L. Jackson) és szervezete évszázadok óta kíméletlenül vadásznak a Vándorokra és a családtagjaikra. David mindent elkövet, hogy megmentse apját (Michael Rooker) és a szerelmét, Millie-t (Rachel Bilson). (InterCom)


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az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Tiszta baromság tartalom nélkül. Olyan, mintha másfél órán keresztül egy szépen elrendezett akváriumot bámulnék halak nélkül. Az ötlet félig sincs befejezve, a tervezett vagányság pedig Samuel L. Jackson frizurájával kezdődik és ér véget. Nem alkalmas 18 év feletti közönség számára. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The script was probably written according to the manual "How to write an 80-minute plot without breaking a sweat," and Hayden's a one-dimensional wooden actor. A very weak result for Doug Liman, short and rather dull silly stuff for MTV kids out of school. Thanks at least for Jamie Bell, who brought some adrenaline and dynamism to the story and compared to the bland Christensen looks like a rhododendron next to a dead cactus. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Current special effects technology is at such a level in the film industry that it allows practically anything to be filmed for a relatively decent amount of money. Jumper is an example of a film that relies on special effects scenes and quick editing. It reminds me either of a long music video of a rock band or a long advertisement for an adrenaline sport or an energy drink. It is exactly the kind of movie that teenagers between 13 and 15 years old will appreciate, but with each additional year, especially with a slightly more critical approach and higher demands, the experience fades away. It is a superficial spectacle where the characters lack any depth, and the storyline is so simple that even a ten-year-old child could have been hired instead of a screenwriter. Overall impression: 25% for the beautiful scenery. By the way, Hayden Christensen's performance is terrible... ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol At fifteen, I would have jumped for joy at a film like this all over the world, but five years later, I mourn the screenwriting dementia that turned a divine book into a shallow fairy tale for little kids. It lacks fatefulness, urgency, proper characters, dynamism, action, and, above all, style. Liman searches for it in vain for eighty minutes and fails to do so even in the final CGI ridiculousness. It's too bad he made this crap - any dunce working in advertising could have created the same thing. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol "...and so I jumped for the first time...." But what came out of it? For adventure-seeking teenagers, it was definitely a delightful experience and a fulfilled dream, but for others, it was a slightly hesitant breather with forever young Hayden Christensen, the adorable Rachel Bilson, and the reliable Samuel L. Jackson. And unfortunately, also with unfinished, or rather just lightly touched upon mythology (see the story of the Paladin hunter, which ends almost before it begins). I admit that I enjoyed it because the weak half an hour and a half flies by very quickly, and with a bunch of money, Doug Liman managed to make it in a way that you can really tell, but judging from the hesitant box office results, I wasn't the only one who wasn't very bothered that there won't be a continuation. ()

Galéria (43)