
A napokban elhunyt angol újságírót, Joe Strombelt (McShane) éppen gyászolják kollégái, nem sejtve, hogy a szerencsétlen zsurnaliszta félúton ragadt élet és halál között. Joe-nak ugyanis még küldetése van: le kell lepleznie a Londonban garázdálkodó rejtélyes tarot kártyás gyilkost. De hogyan is tehetné ezt, ha fizikailag már nem is létezik? Itt jön a képbe Sondra Pransky (Johansson), a nagyon is élő amerikai egyetemista lány, aki újságírást tanul, s londoni barátait érkezett meglátogatni. Egy másik amerikai, a bűvész Sid Waterman (Allen) előadását nézve meghökkenve veszi észre, hogy egyedül ő képes látni és hallani Joe-t. A félig-meddig néhai zsurnaliszta élete fülesét adja a céltudatos lánynak, aki egyből a sztori után veti magát, veszélyes kalandja során pedig Sid lesz segítőtársa. A nyomozás Sondrát egy jólfésült angol arisztokrata (Jackman) karjaiba vezeti, s a lány azt hiszi, élete nagy románca vette kezdetét. Szép lassan azonban egyre erősödik benne a gyanú, hogy új szerelme talán maga az egyre inkább veszélyessé váló nyomozás tárgya. (Fórum Hungary)


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Recenziók (7)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I'm curious as to why Woody Allen's casual viewers usually consider Scoop a pleasant comedy, while his more regular audience remains disappointed. I stayed somewhere in between. It's no disaster; quite the contrary. Some gags work perfectly and perhaps Woody couldn't have chosen a more appreciative role to bid farewell to his acting for the next few years. That said, in competition with dozens of his other works, I come to the inevitable realization that I have seen the individual components of the story elsewhere and differently. And better. Scarlett Johansson in particular does not fit at all into the role of the main neurotic. Though she delivers some great lines during her arguments with the magician, she has no personal charisma, and above all, no chemistry with the usually flawless Hugh Jackman. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Woody Allen is like a likable, elderly, hyperactive uncle who visits his relatives once a year and entertains everyone with his storytelling and unstoppable wit. Even though it seems like you've heard some of his jokes in slightly modified form a few years ago, it doesn't matter at all because he has a unique charm and belongs to the family. Woody Allen directed one of his typical comedies, where he traditionally cast himself in one of the lead roles. Match Point, although significantly deviating from his other works and impressing me with its freshness, didn't disappoint me in this traditional Allen position either. He is one of the few directors who perhaps can't make a bad film. They are at worst good, and if I exceptionally give him two stars, it's only because we have different tastes thematically. While Scoop is not among his best films, it is definitely a decent piece within his body of work, with traditional bon mots, jokes about the Jewish community, and his surroundings. It must be said that Woody Allen is getting older and should find a suitable replacement for him in the acting roles. Scarlett Johansson is charming, and considering that the director has cast her three times already, there might be a special chemistry between them that Allen's partner would probably describe differently. Overall impression: 75%. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol In the type of role which gets usually bagged by Woody Allen, Scarlett Johansson maybe tries a bit too hard. But the rest is quite good – at last I don’t mind Allen’s acting, Jackman is great, and Scarlett is at very least gorgeous. The screenplay is average, uninventive and completely predictable. It flies by quite smoothly and a couple of funny scenes work well... But it’s more of a put your feet up movie rather than a “masterpiece" in the good old Woody style we know so well. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I see that this film hasn't received much acclaim and there is talk of rip-offs and loss of directorial power. Well, this is only the second Woody Allen film I've seen, so I'm totally blown away by his style. I was impressed, both on the crime and comedy side. Woody Allen shined and I laughed at his monologues and dialogues. And inserting the last journey to eternity wasn't a bad idea either, also a "London ride on the wrong side". It Intrigued me and made me laugh - 75%. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol This is exactly what a Woody Allen film looks like without his wit, sophisticated insight and creativity. A bunch of stilted dialogue, not even Scarlett Johansson in a swimsuit can save the wtf story and the feeling that this film was actually pointless and about nothing. The ending is like a copy of Match Point, which was still a much better film as a whole ()

Galéria (50)