
1922, Mexikóváros: Frida élvezi diákéveit és az egyre inkább rajongó férfiakat. Barátja, Alejandro (Diego Luna) sok érdekes embernek mutatja be, többek között Diego Rivera (Alfred Molina) festőnek. A felhőtlen időknek egy szörnyű buszbaleset vet véget. Frida hosszú időre ágyba kényszerül. Barátja elhagyja, csak szülei tartják benne a lelket. Édesapja festőkészlettel ajándékozza meg és Frida elkezd alkotni. A lábadozás után újra felkeresi Diego Riverát és megmutatja neki festményeit. Diegót lenyűgözi a lány vad tehetsége. Összeházasodnak és a kor legirigyeltebb és legünnepeltebb párjaként élnek a szabados erkölcsű művészvilágban. Mindketten elkötelezett kommunisták, vendégül látják a száműzött szovjet Trotsky-t (Geoffrey Rush) és feleségét (Margarita Sanz), de Fridának emellett még egy igazi kapitalista, Nelson Rockefeller (Edward Norton) is udvarol… (Cinemax)


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az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Sensual, cute, and tragic: that's Salma Hayek giving herself to her tour de force, from which I will hold this actress in high regard for a long time. The "Robert Rodriguez girl" label is gone; here Salma gives an incredible performance, greatly supported by Alfred Molina, who captivates you every moment he appears on the screen. Although it's purely a biographical film, there's also room for some creative visual effects, with the visit to New York standing out the most. Shortly after it ended, I'm almost boundlessly excited and admire Salma for fulfilling this dream of hers. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol An excellent biographical film that beautifully captures reality in some moments abstractly, which definitely suits the life of this intriguing artistic personality. The beauty is also that she was a woman who became involved in historical events. Nevertheless, she remained true to herself, which can be seen as both a positive and a negative aspect. It's up to you how you approach her life. Salma Hayek delivers a standout performance here, convincingly portraying both a young girl and a disillusioned woman. Some elements of the film are incredibly unique and elevate the biographical drama even further. I would never have believed that Alfred Molina could also play the role of a lover. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol An extraordinary film, in many ways deviating from established templates. At the same time, it is the life project of the actress Salma Hayek, who has been striving to capture the life destiny of Frida Kahlo for many years and has sacrificed a lot for the creation of this film (not only from a financial perspective). Frida Kahlo was an extraordinary personality of Mexican culture and social life of her time. Frida is not just a film about the successes and disappointments, loves, and inner demons of a painter, but also about the mindset of cultural elites of the first half of the 20th century, and feminism and the position of women in society. Sensitive direction, and excellent performances by Alfred Molina and Hayek (the memorable appearance by Norton as a financial magnate). The depiction of Spanish colonial architecture and colorful period costumes is also interesting. A problem for the acceptance of this film by a wider audience may be the certain exclusiveness of the subject - after all, Kahlo was not a sports star or Princess Diana... Overall impression 80%. ()

Galéria (64)