
  • Egyesült Államok Pandemonium
Előzetes 1


Director Quarxx explores the peculiar, welcoming all those hungry for wonder, in Pandemonium, a unique cinematic blend of fantasy, drama, genre, and humour. Nathan (Hugo Dillon) and Daniel (Arben Bajraktaraj) are caught in a road accident that kills them both. As they come to grips with their deaths, Nathan confronts his past and the consequences of his actions. Now trapped in the hellish void of Pandemonium, he encounters tortured souls like Jeanne (Manon Maindivide), a disturbed child; Julia (Ophélia Kolb), a grief-stricken mother; and Norghul (Jean Rousseau), the guide of the great void. Will he find a way to escape the torment that awaits him for eternity? Pandemonium takes the viewer on a chilling journey as three interconnected stories unravel in this macabre exploration of tales depicting fallen souls. From the intricacies of everyday drama to the realms of supernatural intrigue, each narrative weaves a haunting tapestry that blurs the lines between the mortal and the supernatural. (Arrow Films)


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angol How did the anticipated French horror film Pandemonium turn out? Disastrously! My eyes are playing tricks on me! I was expecting a twisted walk through hell with monsters crammed with gore and guts, a little brother to tthe Turkish Baskin and a kick-start to the French Wave this year, and I got a drama where nothing fucking happened for the whole movie. It's not until the last 10-15 minutes that the rather interesting stuff appear, but that's really late.I thought I was going to burn down a barn with my nerves (not that I had any). I don't know when the last time something pissed me off so much, an absolutely uninteresting bore that has about as much in common with horror as KFC has with shoes. In the end it turned out to be an anthology, which has no strong story arc, can't rely on any interesting scenes, script or actors and not to mention the atmosphere. The biggest disappointment of the year. 3/10. One star for the ending, the other for the mutant with the little girl, who did not do anything ()

Galéria (14)