


Catherine éveken át gondját viselte ragyogó szellemű, de labilis apjának, a zseniális matematikusnak. A halála után egyedül marad fájdalmával, apja jegyzeteivel és a kérdéssel: mit kezdjen önmagával. Felbukkan a nővére, Claire, aki szeretné kezébe venni húga életének irányítását. És feltűnik Hal, az egykori tanítvány, aki szeretné áttanulmányozni az öreg jegyzeteit. Miközben Catherine egyre jobban megismeri Halt, és megtudja Claire terveit, a lehető legnyugtalanítóbb problémával kell megküzdenie: vajon mennyit örökölt apja őrültségéből vagy éppen zsenialitásából? (Cinemax)


Recenziók (4)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A superbly acted intimate drama about life values and mathematics. The only major flaw is the all too obvious "theatricality" of the source material. Otherwise, there is not much to criticise and it would be more appropriate to praise. A quality film that will engage even those untouched by mathematics. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I was first introduced to Auburn's "Proof" at the Prague City theater. The film is of course a more substantial perennial that we can return to at any time. It's charming to watch the dramatic construction of the text as handled by Madden and Paltrow, who have already proven their compatibility with each other in Shakespeare in Love. The subject matter is self-supporting, and the dialogues have good ideas and pace. Of the theatrical texts that have been adapted by Hollywood, Proof is one of the better ones. It is definitely worthy of your attention. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Another of the "mandatory" films about schizophrenia. The world of mathematics is completely foreign to me, so the main core of the film, what it was about, was indifferent to me. It is possible to tell that it is an adaptation of a play, as the film is mainly based on dialogues, which are masterful. Gwyneth Paltrow and Anthony Hopkins both played remarkable roles in which they both shone. The material is inspiring, unfortunately when it comes to matrices, proofs, and derivations, it is beyond my abilities of comprehension and perception. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I wasn't particularly impressed with this film. The acting is good, but the plot is bland. Yes, there are moments that are good, but overall it didn't work for me. Jake definitely wasn't utilized as he deserved, and the whole thing relies on Gwyneth, who didn't quite captivate me. Mostly, though, I didn't like the script. ()