
  • Egyesült Államok Fresh
Előzetes 1

Streaming (1)


A Friss Noa (Daisy Edgar-Jones) életét követi, aki egy élelmiszerboltban megismerkedik a csábító Steve-vel (Sebastian Stan), és – mivel csalódott a randiappokban – ad neki egy esélyt és megadja a telefonszámát. Az első randevújuk után a lenyűgözött Noa elfogadja Steve meghívását egy romantikus hétvégi kiruccanásra, de rájön, hogy új szerelmének szokatlan dolgokra fáj a foga. (Disney+)


Videók (1)

Előzetes 1

Recenziók (7)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Félelmetes thrilleres, sőt horroros téma, bizarrul fekete humorral fűszerezve. Az elegánsan tálalt emberi hús kóstolónak elemzése, ahogyan azt a filmbeli Hannibálok egyike sem tudna előadni. Ügyes operatőri munkával és egy szimpatikus színésznővel a főszerepben. De a negyedik csillagot nem adok, mert bár az első perctől az utolsóig szórakoztatott, hiányoltam egy összetettebb rendezői szándékot ebben a műfaji és érzésbeli összevisszaságban. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol When something suddenly looks too good, there’s usually a catch. Or a butcher's hook. It’s fine if you’re into cynical cannibalistic double entendres, horror from online dating, and lightly spiced genre clichés. Then there’s the flavor of patriarchal cannibalism, which devours women both physically and psychologically, and needs to be slathered on, just like liver pâté with garlic and rosemary is spread on crackers. The more of this you’ve been served in the past, the clearer it is how average the dish prepared by the chef on this topic is. The label should read 69% meat and 31% filler, but Stan’s meatworks will eventually pull through for those four patties. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Dating is dangerous! A solid romantic psycho-thriller in the Hannibal mode, and mature for a debut. The main character has trouble finding love, dating doesn't work out until the day she meets a nice man in a store (read Winter Soldier!), but she has no idea that he has a rather strange appetite. There's not much to write about the story, but I'll admit that I turned off the trailer out of boredom and it's one of those films I wasn't looking forward to, and as a result it's a spring horror surprise. The film is beautifully shot, with impressive interiors and colours, technically on par, the acting is also solid with the main character having the face of Anne Hathaway, and the atmosphere is awesome with an exploitative feel focusing on psyche rather than violence, but even that comes across to a lesser extent. The plot itself is pretty twisted and refreshing, the film flows well and the ending is decently gritty and suspenseful as well, so I'm satisfied. I was expecting another boring talky drama and got a great cannibal thriller. Story 4/5, Action 2/5, Humor 2/5, Violence 3/5, Fun 4/5 Music 3/5, Visuals 4/5, Atmosphere 4/5, Suspense 3/5, Emotion 3/5, Actors 4/5. 7.5/10. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A culinary romance for International Women’s Day. Sebastian Stan is dancing in the kitchen, hammering the steaks for dinner... The cute, dating opening changes its tune with the opening credits, turning into a game involving an unusual take on the white slave trade. Daisy Edgar-Jones will have to stomach a couple of things if she wants her new relationship (and herself) to survive. Great music, stylish visuals and great food jokes. The ending is a little predictable, but it doesn’t spoil the aftertaste. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol What initially looks like a dream relationship and a fairytale idyll after half an hour turns into a kidnapping by a psychopath who sells young girls for meat. Fresh is really "fresh" in a way, because you don't see a similar idea quite often. But it's all the more disappointing that it's not as good as one would expect it to be, and it sticks pretty much to the ground in all aspects. It is nice to see a rather likable main character (or main course) who manages to keep the attention with her smile, along with the main villain played Winter Soldier, who, although I didn't find him that distinctive, served the purpose. I liked the first part with the contacting and the kidnapping as a set up much more than the subsequent "finish" though. It's as if the creators had an idea, but no clue as to what to do with it next, and so the film flops around like a fish out of water, delivering neither action, nor gore (which is a huge mistake!!), nor limb cutting, nor peeking into the cannibal mafia community and their business, but instead focusing on the goings-on in the house and the relationship between the kidnapper and the victim, which is simply not what we come here for. The screenplay thus rather drags on, only to come to an ending that was expected by all without the slightest surprise or slick idea to jolt us and make us more excited. A shame, I'd say an objective average that can be finished without harm, but I was expecting something much bigger, bloodier and entertaining; I found it too bland and impersonal, so I'll stick with two stars. ()

Galéria (20)