Streaming (1)


Nancy Archer is beautiful, wealthy - the kind of woman who has it all, and she's had it up to here! Her mean-spirited father wants control of her business, and Harry, her cheating husband, only wants her for her money. Nancy wants to fight back, but she lacks the confidence until the night she runs into an alien spaceship. At first, no one believes her crazy story; in fact, Harry sees the perfect opportunity to have his wife certified insane. But something has happened to Nancy since her alien encounter. Nancy never used to have a weight problem, but overnight she's literally as big as a house. Nancy Archer has grown to fifty feet tall - and suddenly she sees the men in her life from a new angle - looking down on them! (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)


Kapcsolódó hírek

Tim Burton klasszikus sci-fi remake-jére készül

Tim Burton klasszikus sci-fi remake-jére készül


Tim Burton rendező jelenleg teljes erővel dolgozik legújabb filmje, a Beetlejuice Beetlejuice utómunkálatain, amely várhatóan idén szeptemberben hódítja meg a világ mozijait, de még ez a munkatempó… (több)