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Critiques (10 850)


La Louve sanguinaire (1976) 

anglais The Italian movie Werewolf Woman is a beautiful combination of horror and eroticism and to top it off has a poetic approach to movie-making. It is definitely worth seeing as it is something you do not see as much of these days and is great for a fifty-year-old movie. I think it is wonderful that something so old can still captivate and charm the soul of a true aficionado.


The Dark Side of Midnight (1984) 

anglais The American movie The Dark Side of Midnight is really only a horror movie in the sense that it loosely belongs to the slasher genre. However, it has little in common with slasher movies in terms of grit, atmosphere, and suspense. The Dark Side of Midnight is mostly a straightforward movie that conveys the vibe of the 1980s and demonstrates that it was not so bad and, in retrospect, has its charm. They simply do not make movies like this anymore.


Like.Share.Follow (2017) 

anglais The American movie Like.Share.Follow. is about the currently topical subject of stalking and the dangers of modern communication technologies and social networks. However, the way it presents this interesting theme is so incredibly tedious that you feel like giving up on it early on. Also, the main male protagonist is too glamorous, and they gloss over everything so it is a bit too nice, and this just does not suit the subject matter at all because there is none of the ugliness you would get in real life. That is just not how I imagined a movie on the subject.


Zomblies (2010) 

anglais The British movie Zomblies may have a short running time of forty-five minutes. However, it is still quite engaging despite that. The execution and the production of this movie are not that great, and the actors are not great either, but that does not change the fact that Zomblies can still pull the viewer in. The narrative is pretty straightforward and works for this low-budget zombie movie, which is not what I expected.


Kuroneko (1968) 

français Je ne vais pas prétendre que le film japonais "Le Chat noir" est surprenant dans son point de vue, ce n'est pas le cas du tout, même si vous avez déjà vu quelque chose de similaire, vous comprendrez dès la première scène de quoi il s'agit, mais cela ne dérange en rien, car ce qui est important n'est pas de découvrir comment cela se termine, mais l'important est de voir comment tout est exécuté. Et l'exécution est quelque chose qui m'a ensorcelé. Le film "Le Chat noir" est pour moi un autre trésor d'horreur.


Agramon's Gate (2019) 

anglais The American movie Agramon's Gate is a classic example of contemporary horror movie making, which is usually rather below average. However, this movie is actually not that bad because some scenes are enjoyable. However, by the end, the movie resembles a teenage urban fantasy, and no longer reflects its aspiration to be a horror movie.


Mortel - Season 2 (2021) (saison) 

anglais The second season of the French supernatural television series Mortel is what you would predict, a show where its universe grows. It stands to reason that there are no guys in spandex, just some regular guys gifted with unique powers by a god. I am enjoying it so far, even though I admit that Mortel is not something I would want to revisit.


The Mist (2017) (série) 

anglais The American science fiction-horror thriller television series The Mist tries to repeat the movie's success. However, although King's version was good, this television series was made by more incompetent producers, so I could not relate to the underdeveloped characters. Even though the show's producers may have had great aspirations, it fails as both a horror thriller and social commentary.


Black Summer - Season 2 (2021) (saison) 

anglais The great thing about Dark Summer is that even though it might be "just another zombie show," it is still entertaining. Dark Summer works perhaps better than the first season, even though it takes place in winter. There is no fat on its bones, with only eight episodes in the second season, so viewers do not have time to start feeling bored. Although such a short season could fail at sucking viewers in, this is not the case with season two of Dark Summer.


Army of the Dead (2021) 

anglais I found the American movie Army of the Dead surprisingly good. It was good because the producers introduced us to some great characters, and generally, they were not badly written or flat. Even the main villain is great, and decidedly not flat. The movie gets quite emotional, so I thought Army of the Dead works well in the end.