

Mira a toujours rêvé de faire partie d'un club d'astronomie une fois au lycée. Cette passion pour les astres date du jour où quelqu'un lui avait promis de découvrir de nouveaux astéroïdes, lorsqu'elle était plus jeune. Mais le lycée qu'elle vient d'intégrer a supprimé son club d'astronomie un an plus tôt et Mira doit se résoudre à fréquenter le club des sciences de la vie et de la terre. (Crunchyroll)


Vidéo (2)

Bande-annonce 2

Critiques (1)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais There are countless anime series out there about cute girls doing cute things who have their own little school club where they are building relationships with each other. Some anime series just drift on the wave of stand-alone episodes and their pleasant atmosphere and light comedy are quite entertaining. However, other anime series are different, they use an entire season to achieve an objective - and in this show, it is to discover an asteroid and name it Ao. So is there something extra that makes Asteroid in Love stand out compared to all the previous ones? Personally, I am impressed by the broad scope of this particular show. Do you like to look at the sky or the stars, do you prefer to just stare at the ground, or do you want to watch the fun and interesting interactions between some cute young girls? Astrology, geology, meteorology, cartography - all of these sectors are represented here, and we even learn a little bit about all of them (actually, quite a bit compared to other anime series with a similar concept), and maybe even get to understand why someone might like these particular fields. That is definitely a positive thing, i.e.,  productions that whet your appetite and arouse your interest to learn more about a subject in which you were maybe not interested before. It makes sense and has a real point to it in my opinion. Moreover, Asteroid in Love does not fall short in other aspects characteristic of this sort of anime series, such as a congenial atmosphere, likable characters, very attractive animation, and a very laid-back soundtrack... Another pleasant surprise was the fact that the anime series covers a much larger period of time in one season than usual. It is often the case that one season corresponds to one semester or one school year, however, in this show, there is more time in which to alternate some of the characters and introduce something new. Asteroid in Love was an enjoyable show, and it was also interesting and a bit educational, and very well presented in a way that makes you wish that all the girls’ dreams came true. 7/10. ()

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