Quand Harry rencontre Sally

  • États-Unis When Harry Met Sally... (plus)
Bande-annonce 1


Harry et Sally s'entendent comme chien et chat. Après la fac ils prennent la même destination, New York, mais ne se reverront que cinq ans plus tard, par hasard, dans un aéroport. Chacun a fait sa vie, ils se sont fiancés. Cinq ans passent encore, ils se rencontrent à nouveau. Tous deux viennent de rompre et dans cette étape difficile, ils se découvrent une vraie amitié. La complicité les rapproche à tel point qu'ils finissent par admettre, ce que leurs amis savaient déjà: ils sont faits l'un pour l'autre. (texte officiel du distributeur)


Vidéo (1)

Bande-annonce 1

Critiques (5)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais It's a very nice romantic comedy, especially in that the romance is sidelined, and the actors are given space to shine and, above all, to execute some jokes brilliantly. Still, the film just couldn't excite me; the whole time I just kept thinking it was okay. Okay, but not much more. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Every guy needs his Sally, and every girl will surely find her Harry at some point. Although the script gradually loses its credibility and the viewer wonders why the hell those two aren’t together yet, the execution is so smart, funny and even original at times (split screes during phone calls), and the outcome is so contagious that it’s impossible not to like it. I’m looking forward to the next meeting. 85% ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais When I saw this during its premiere, it made a big impression on me emotionally. I liked the mutual dialogues and encounters, as well as both characters constantly passing each other by. I liked them so much that I gave the film 5 stars, but when I saw the theatrical version years later, it wasn't great anymore, and the same can be said about the film, to which I returned many years later. What remains good for me is Billy Crystal's decent acting, for whom the character of Harry is probably the best film performance ever, just like Meg Ryan, who can also add her undeniably attractive smile and overall captivating appearance. Unlike many of his genre siblings, Rob Reiner doesn't strive for humor at any cost or cheap genre twists. It's almost like real life. It is a likable, but not great film. It's peculiar that the popular Meg Ryan, who is not a bad actress at all, hasn't been able to create more significant roles throughout her professional career. She's a typical victim of genre pigeonholing, where an actor is forced to repeat the same template. Overall impression: 65%. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais One of the few good romantic comedies, funny, lively, not sentimental in any way, and excellently directed. The dialogues are brilliantly witty, and many scenes are unforgettable (the orgasm in the cafeteria). Billy Crystal has always been somewhat awkwardly comedic, but this role suited him brilliantly. Meg Ryan was also very solid, except for the fake crying. The ending was kind of a showcase of how things don't always go in life, but that could be expected considering the course of the film. Solid entertainment, but it doesn't bring anything new, so I don't see a reason to give it a full score. ()

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