Doctor Yo-Han

  • anglais Doctor Room (titre non officiel) (plus)

VOD (1)



Incapable de ressentir la douleur dans son propre corps, mais expert dans le diagnostic des autres, un médecin défend sa propre conception de la vie et de la mort. (Netflix)

Critiques (1)


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anglais I was incredibly pleasantly surprised by Yo Han's personality. Not a genius doctor who despises other doctors because they aren't as good as he is, though it may seem that way at first. Our doctor obviously doesn't like those who slack off and endanger the lives of others. Yo Han is exactly the kind of doctor you want, excellent at what he does, empathetic, kind, he gets along well with his colleagues, he's non-confrontational (which is what I want as a viewer of Korean shows – I had really been yearning for a main character like that). The other thing that pleasantly surprised me was that there was no fight to the death over the positions in the hospital, there was no backstabbing. Sure, not everyone agreed with everything, but that's normal. It never went to the extreme. The main character was strong, even if it didn't seem like it at the beginning, she turned out to be a strong and smart heroine in the end. I liked her as a doctor. Not so much the obsessive girlfriend: she seemed to lavish too much care on the object of her love, in fact I found it almost suffocating, but I understand that some people are comfortable with that. Anyway, if I had to rate her, she'd be a strong and fine heroine. The problem was with the actress. I agonized for a long time over what didn't sit well with me about the heroine and it ended up not being the heroine, but the actress. I didn't like her acting. Especially towards the end, I almost felt like she started slacking off: “I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now, I can slack off." That's what it felt like. Another bonus was that we didn't get unnecessary and dramatic love triangles; who says you can't do without them! As a result, in addition to the slightly milquetoast main couple, we have a rather dynamic supporting couple where Hwang Hee shines in particular. Last but not least, we have the character of the prosecutor, who probably has the best supporting character development I've ever seen in a series. A great supporting character played by the great Lee Kyu-hyung. The euthanasia legalization storyline was interesting, one could ponder and get different opinions; I even really like how it was wrapped up (for some people insufficiently, perhaps openly so, as a parallel to the euthanasia discussion itself). As for the "medical stuff", there was some absolute nonsense in, even the unstudied like me could tell. But it wasn't completely in your face, so there's that. I thought the cinematography was beautiful at times, and at times I thought the angle was terribly poorly chosen. I can say the same about the OST – first time great, second time meh, average, not great. I liked the slower pace, both story-wise and in the development of the relationships. Except that the end, the last three episodes or so, dragged on like dead weight and I was looking forward to finally finishing it. It's a nice series, it has its highs and lows, but those aren't so bad that I have to condemn the series. It's an enjoyable show from the medical setting. A weaker 4 stars. () (moins) (plus)

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