Scooby !

  • Canada Scooby ! (plus)
Bande-annonce 8


La première aventure animée de Scooby-Doo au cinéma raconte l’histoire inédite des origines de Scooby et la plus grande aventure de Mystère & Cie. SCOOBY! Dévoile comment les amis de longue date Scooby et Sammy se sont rencontrés pour la première fois, et comment ils ont rejoint les jeunes détectives Fred, Velma et Daphné, pour former la célèbre équipe de Mystère & Cie ! Aujourd’hui, après des centaines d’enquêtes résolues et d’aventures partagées, Scooby et sa bande font face à leur plus grand mystère : un complot pour libérer le chien fantôme Cerberus. Alors qu’ils enquêtent pour arrêter cette « chienpocalypse » mondiale, la bande découvre que Scooby à un héritage secret et une destinée plus grande que tout le monde ne l’avait imaginé. (Warner Bros. FR)


Vidéo (4)

Bande-annonce 8

Critiques (2)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The first few minutes make you hopeful of the good-old Scooby Doo and his gang, with the same character traits that make us love them so much, and the same underlying point of revealing the villains. But over the course of the film, it turns into a story that has little to do with the original Scooby and didn't interest me at all. I turned it off halfway through, two stars for the acceptable visuals and the funny beginning. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I found the three-dimensional Scooby Doo less goofy than its cartoonish predecessors, which is definitely a plus point. In this case, it's not so much about solving mysteries and unmasking the villain as it is about pursuing him, with the troubles between the members of Mysteries Inc. experiencing a minor relationship crisis at the forefront. Alongside this, the film introduces another interesting crew who are also trying to catch the bad guy. Story-wise, Scoob! has a few shortcuts and scripted rough spots, but I was still mostly entertained and even slightly moved by the ending. While this is primarily a film for younger audiences, I think it has places that will appeal to an adult viewer as well. P.S. After watching the film, you will never look at bowling balls the same way again. ()


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